SilentRealm said:ugh here, totally untouched picture of yours truly, forgive me for looking tired, I was extremely so (big, big weekend).. anyway make of it what you will.
sorry I dont have full length shots yet, im hoping i can get a couple of those at opeth! \m/ - and yes I gave my hair the chop! very unmetal of me I know, but it sorely needed it.
MrFast said:I think SR is pretty damn hot, photoshopped or not.
+2Kenneth R. said:
Basic arithmetic isn't very nerdyKenneth R. said:I think SR is at +3 now. How nerdy is that?
MrFast said:Holy shit you look like my friend's sister.
proulxski said:ever though about Being a Symphony X Girl? Sorta liek the equivalent to the laker girls just for symphony X lol .... I'm just teasing, wicked shirt and you look great in it. \M/
frozen_core said:i think this picture is so very cute!
It's not a bad thing, it's just uncanny how similar you two look. And nope, CanadaProg Maiden said:I'm hoping that's not a bad thing. Does your friend happen to live near Chicago?
Medusa's eyes said:I was about to post a picture, but I figured out I already posted it. Pfff, time for an update I guess..? Someday...
Prog Maiden said:Talk about deja vu. Where's Rocker when you need him? Symphony X does have a couple fan girls though. Maybe SR and I should start a team.
Kenneth R. said:i'm sure you're not the only ones. most women can't be bothered with metal messageboards though, i imagine
*snaps fingers* Rats, foiled again!Beelzebub said:Too busy cooking! OMG ZING!
In before Zach and MrFast
that wasn't funny. Our jokes are way better.Beelzebub said:Too busy cooking! OMG ZING!
In before Zach and MrFast
SilentRealm said:post it again! Some of us havent seen it, and its a pain in the bum trying to go back through old posts looking for stuff