Lets have a pics thread :)


That's me making an entrance. lol
yo androz, who's the hot chick on ur left, behind the car? :grin: haha, well if i ever get around to registering with whatever site or doing whatever u gotta do for this, i'll post some pics.
Luis said:

This topic should be called: Who is prettier Claire-X, Medusa´s eyes or ThornsOfSorrow? :worship:
Hey, let's not make a contest out of this. :grin: It wouldn't be good to have all of the girls in the forum hating each other. Plus, I always lose at everything...
So kids, over the summer, I've been growing my hair out, for a couple of reasons.

1) Experiment to see what it does
2) Have something to headbang with (Prog Power USA Sept. 16/17, Atlanta, GA!)
3) Always wanted to know what long hair felt like/how to care for it.

Well, here is the result of this experiment, after a couple months, and I gotta admit, I'm mildly pleased with the results, I think its one of the better mullets I've seen. Note: I did 0 grooming, I just let it grow, and it naturally formed a mullet (I can thank my Texas roots for that one!)





Nice mullet :p

It doesn't really look like a mullet, more like you have bangs. It also looks as if your ceiling was deteriorating with each pic you took.
Beelzebub said:
Nice mullet :p

It doesn't really look like a mullet, more like you have bangs. It also looks as if your ceiling was deteriorating with each pic you took.
Well, the basement is my room/rehearsal room. We put up a cloth ceiling to hide the insulation, and it looks pretty good. That one spot theres a huge thing of random plumbing that comes down a foot. It's hard to keep the cloth over it, so it kinda hangs there in that one spot. I'll take a look at the pieces hanging down after I finsh re-arranging the setups.

Its a nice template for a mullet I think, the back is longer than the front. I have a receeding hairline, so im just tring to cover it up, best I can.
holy crap, my account still exists, i haven't been here in years...

anyway here's me at a gypsy camp in the netherlands (gerwen).. home of the rosenberg trio for those who know them... yes very metal.. well i am dressed all in black but that's only cuz i didnt have any clean clothes left.....


urinalcakemix said:

I usually don't tell other guys this, but, "Dude, nice pole!" :loco: :tickled:

Seriously though, that lightbulb next to the cloth you have on the ceiling really worries me... Having set fire to (of all things) a sock that fell onto a lamp, I realize that it's doubtful you'll ever have a problem, but it's always a possibility.

And if you've never smelled a smouldering sock before - WHEW! Ahhhh, memories... :p