Lets have a pics thread :)

ok, if this doesnt work, maybe its destiny u cant see me.



ThornsOfSorrow said:
By the way, in your picture, was that your "last job" because the camera-man was your boss?

:tickled: I guess I should have explained that. :tickled:

The picture was actually taken by a friend of mine. He had taken a picture of me some days earlier and photoshopped it up (man, I wish I could find it, it's hilarious). I knew he was going to do the same thing so I told him that he was "number 1." :)

With regard to it being my "last job", the CEO and his goons decided that they were going to milk the company and they could get a lot more money by firing all the worker bees. So they went through and fired everyone on the executive team (except for me because they thought I was a technician - yeah, no joke) and almost all of the scientists. They fired everyone except for a contract person on my team and gave everyone a whole 2 weeks notice. The beginning of this year was the WORST for finding a job in our area. Anyway, when the few remaining of us got together after the firings, the CEO (in his usual manner) said what a great job we were doing and how the company was going to be so great and so I told him to go F&$^ himself and quit. :wave:

Now I work for the Department of Defense out of my house. :grin:
Beelzebub said:
That looks nice. Is that a wig or do you bleach your hair?
haha, no that's my natural hair. I think the lighting accounts for the colours as it was 3 in the morning when I decided it would be a good idea ;)
Heather Shockley said:
Here´s my pic...mind the hair..terrible hair day!! :grin:


Here´s another pic,singing with my favourite band Kamelot,in Belgium´s Graspop Metal Meeting.


Heather, can I just say, "I love you!" Not in a freaky, stalker, scary, wife-is-gonna-divorce-me sort of way (unless you're into that :grin: ). Kamelot is a great band and I only wish I had been there to hear you singing with them! :rock:
It's times like this when I wish I had a digital camera, because I want to post my picture on here. Really badly, i might add. If I'm lucky, somebody would recognize me, but considering the amount of people that probably read this thread, the chances are about 57 out of 6 billion. (I know very few people.)
ptah knemu said:
It's times like this when I wish I had a digital camera, because I want to post my picture on here. Really badly, i might add. If I'm lucky, somebody would recognize me, but considering the amount of people that probably read this thread, the chances are about 57 out of 6 billion. (I know very few people.)

Now that I thimk about it, I don't think I want people to see what I look like, even if my guitar is really badass! (Which it is. Can you say DV8-R?!) The reason I don't think I'd want people seeing my picture is because i have low self esteem about myself in pictures. I don't know why.
Aw, we wouldn't make fun of you (if there was even anything to make fun of). I have low self-esteem too though. And you could always post a picture of you with your guitar covering your face. :)

All dressed up for the Return of the King Premier. Hair is a bit longer now, and back to my natural brown.

Whoops... Hopefully this will work now.