Lets have a pics thread :)

lets see if i did this right...

Playing at my school's senior assembly when I graduated a year ago


An gig my band played at the local "waterpark" (i use that term loosely) last summer


A prime example of how un-photogenic I can be, but I can live with it in this situation :)


Some of my gear, the rest was not present this day


Cliche self-portrain

My Grandfather is the ultimate gentleman! I have a huge amount of respect for him, and for my Dad, who obviously is close to the ultimate gentleman, because the above Grandfather allowed him to marry his daughter, who incidently is my mother... :D
*Looks around*... what did i say? Ret- had a thing for tha... aww fuck it.

*grumbles* not my fault that he posted chicks like that all the time.

And Beelz, please check a box
[ ]Pun intended
[ ]Pun not intended

Edit: to change from "-Ret" to "Ret-"