lets see some pics of everyones set up..

are those monitors to far apart metalhead?
I just moved recently, here is a pic of my new place - still lacking any acoustic treatment except for all the auralex from my old place piled in the corners :p

are those monitors to far apart metalhead?

Quite possibly, although for some reason it seems exagerated in the picture.
They're just sitting in a totally arbitrary spot. I plan to spend some time fine tuning such things eventually, that's on my list along with the custom bass traps I've been planning for a couple months. Jeez, I don't have enough time.....
Brr, CRT.

Still waiting for OLED and SED technology to arrive for computer displays. There are simply too many things fundamentally wrong with TFT technology (I also do graphical editing and design) that I won't downgrade to it. Even the best S-IPS panels have problems with shifting colours depending on your viewing angle, not to mention 6-bit TN panels which can only display 1 % (one percent) of the full colour range and MVA/PVA panels that suffer extremely from poor viewing angles, even head-on at worst.
Tornio, that bass is gorgeous - but I'm bummed you rearranged your room, now you can't post that panorama "weird time-warp" pic anymore!