Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

The warming sun returns again
And melts away the snow
The sea is freed from icy chains
Winter is letting go

Standing on the ocean side
We can hear the waves
Calling us out with tide
To sail into our fate

Oden! Guide our ships
Our axes, spears and swords
Guide us through storms that whip
And in brutal war

Our ships await us by the shore
Time has come to leave
Our country, family and homes
For riches in the east

Some of us won't return
But that won't bring us down
Our fate is written in the web
Woven by the Norns

A ram is sacrificed
Across the longship's bow
And as we set our sails
A strong breeze starts to blow

It carries us out to sea
With hope of fame and pride
And glorious all will be
That with sword in hand will die

Oden! Guide our ships
Our Axes, spears and swords
Guide us through storms that whip
And in brutal war

Oden! Guide our ships
Our axes, spears and swords
Guide us through storms that whip
And in brutal war

I think another reason i don't like myspace is cuz my computer is fucking slow!!! On that teh fangurl thread, i fucking had to refresh it ten times to see the whole thing. I need a faster computer.

Well yesterday i was fucking, fucking, fucking pissed. It's the longest time i'v ever been pissed and bummed at the same time. A week ago my mom said i could go to the local show and then a few days later i ask about it and she says "no". Ahhhhhhh, i hate that fucking bitch. I hope she dies. I so damn badly wanted to go more badly then anything else in the world. I hate the feeling of not being able to do anything about it. We were in town that day too and it was only 10 mins away and everyone in the fucking mall kept talking about it and that made it even worse. To make it worser than ever, right when i bought my new cd, a min. later, i found out the COB dvd was finally in stores. AHHHHHHHHHHH,now i have to wait a whole week to get it again. I asked why couldn't i go and she said cuz i don't know where it is. And i told her where it is and she said she doesn't want to drive at night. Then i said, i would and she's still like no cuz i don't have my license. What the flying fuck????????!!!!!! All these bands are like too long away from me and right when a band plays a cheap local show, i can't go??? That's the fucking perfect opportunity. Ahhhhhhhhhh. I can't wait to leave this house so i can do whatever the fuck i want.