Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Alright here's the deal I know I showing my computer skills are far beyond shit again

Anyway I have this awesome pic that I wanna stick into my sig but I can't get it to go the damn thing just keeps telling me its to BIG except it ain't any bigger than anyone else's so any advise would be most welcome thanks:kickass:
Alright here's the deal I know I showing my computer skills are far beyond shit again

Anyway I have this awesome pic that I wanna stick into my sig but I can't get it to go the damn thing just keeps telling me its to BIG except it ain't any bigger than anyone else's so any advise would be most welcome thanks:kickass:

If you want link picture in other site use image tags (take extra spaces out from tags):
Put [ img ]http://a764.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/112/l_9fc43c006607a368534fca5192e423a3.jpg[ /img ] to that signature text box.

If you want to upload your image to UM :
According to my CP pages maximum size for picture in signature is 500 by 100 pixels or 19.5 KB.

That picture you have linked to your sig is 600 x 234 28KB. You need to make it smaller/ set bigger compression to jpeg settings (or lower quality depending on image editor settings).
Yeah... So I was on the train today with my friend, and there were these two hawt chicks sitting opposite us (a blonde a brunette :lol:), so I was like "mmhhhmmm" :lol: But then they suddenly started making out in front of everyone! :lol: At first I was like "ah lesbians, what a shame". But then i was like "HOLY FUCK LOOK WHATS HAPPENING IN FRONT OF ME" :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
If you want to upload your image to UM :
According to my CP pages maximum size for picture in signature is 500 by 100 pixels or 19.5 KB.

Heh, I woke like 2 hours ago or so... Gotta leave to school in about 20 mins, atm drinking some tea and listening to AA. It would be nice just to leave to home and start sleeping, but I got fukken exam today:loco:
I went to my university today, and there were those guys blocking the doors, due to the "students strike". 40 retards that force 3000 people to stay out. I tried to enter, but a guy pushed me out.

I think I broke his hand.