Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Over here in England trade jobs like plumbing and being an electrician an stuff make a phenomenal amount of money. Sometimes makes ditching college for an apprentiship look very tempting :lol:

Yeah I'm thinking that when I finish my apprenticeship and I'm a fully qualified electrician that I might (a rather big might) move to England to make some major money for about five years then move back home at around thirty and have myself a goodly chunk of property house and so on

There is serious money here too, like we (electricians) are already making as much as doctors and shit

Also your young so I'd stick at school till' it finishes (at least thats what I'd do in Australia) like to have a trade is fucking great but I dropped out of school early and it cost me dearly I spent 2 years doing shit work then 2 years making up lost time it fucken sucked
I'm looking forward to thanksgiving, but I wont be eating much more than turkey and green veggies (have to skip out on my grandma's kickass stuffing :cry:) on account of my diet.
Shit, I just can't find the keys of my house. I can't go out without my keys, I already searched all over the places and I can't find it, it's like it was swallowed by the earth.
They knew i was out, i had to be home at 4.. but they always lock the door because they go to bed at 12 or something, and i have the keys but if they leave a key in the lock, my keys become useless :lol: So they just forgot to take them out