Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Hooo... Never saw Elephant Man ? Mulholland Drive ? Lost Highway ?

:lol: Shit I forgot about those, never saw Mulholland Dr. (unless that's the one where is neighbour is a domestic terrorist then I've seen 3/4's of it)... And I've also seen half of Lost Highway :lol:

I saw Elephant man waaaaaaaaaay back in the day.

I'm not on a good roll with this guy.
anyone seen Eastern promises yet?

Yeh it is pretty good, same director and lead actor as 'A History of Violence' so you can see the similarities, not in story but just in atmosphere and stuff. I think that it also shares the same fate as 'A History of of Violence'. A good watch maybe once or twice but nothing really overly memorable.

Blue Velvet is amazing.


:lol: Yeh I saw it on Showcase when I was like 13 and I then bought the dvd shortly thereafter.
I just found out that I lost my post count at the other forum I post on.

I'm not one for keeping track of that shit....but I was #2. :cry:
I'm okay :) Trying to adjust with the new things happenin in my life.. how about you buttercup?
I'm okay :) Trying to adjust with the new things happenin in my life.. how about you buttercup?

feel like talking about it?

I'm pretty good actually. Been busy as hell with assignments for college. I'm broke cuz I bought myself a laptop and I'm partying too much (college life :cool: )
Haha, congrats for the laptop :p you should work extra hours now.

I'm ok hun, nothin imoportant :D
well, I did went to work last week but I need that money for a new external HD. My current external one can't handle all the music and movies and series anymore :s

if you ever need to, you know where to find me :)