Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

good to see you too, Joe
:lol: Sorry man, welcome back. Hope you enjoyed having a life :p

I Am Legend is deceiving.

^downloaded that one yesterday. Is it that bad?

Half of the movie is cool, when Smith is alone in NYC, but other half is veeeeeeeeery bad.

I'll keep that in mind

I disagree. I thought the beginning was slow, but really well done and the element of 'WTF is going on' and shit really kept you interested. Not knowing what happened while seeing his character develop is sort of a story in it's own. I do agree the ending half was a bit rushed? Or rather, it had too much contrast to the beginning.. going from alone and no action barely to all that. But overall I enjoyed it.
I read the book first, so I'm disppointed. Nothing to do with it. But I was impressed with the first part, the minimalist and post-apocalyptic scenary, but the end is fucking ugly. Tnx Hollywood.
I read the book first, so I'm disppointed. Nothing to do with it. But I was impressed with the first part, the minimalist and post-apocalyptic scenary, but the end is fucking ugly. Tnx Hollywood.

I didn't know it was a book, but :lol: If you're surprised the movie wasn't as good as/stayed true to the novel then :p You have much to learn.

I agree though, the scenery in the beginning is what really got my attention, exploring the dead streets of New York was pretty cool.

wait a minute, there's a book about it too?

@Joe: yeah, I did actually but that life had a mind of its own and now it's gone *sniff, sniff*

HAH! :p