Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Unforgivably, House is not in those parenthesis.
Forgiveness spites you; thou shalt not go to paradise.

Though I must agree Dexter rocks.

My girlfriend loves House, I don't care much for it. It's the same fucking shtick each episode... He suggests what the cause of the illness is, no one believes him because it's too complicated, a bunch of tests and other dramatic bullshit later, House is right and gains 10 more smugfag points.
My girlfriend loves House, I don't care much for it. It's the same fucking shtick each episode... He suggests what the cause of the illness is, no one believes him because it's too complicated, a bunch of tests and other dramatic bullshit later, House is right and gains 10 more smugfag points.

i had the some epic moment after 5 episodes hehe
My girlfriend loves House, I don't care much for it. It's the same fucking shtick each episode... He suggests what the cause of the illness is, no one believes him because it's too complicated, a bunch of tests and other dramatic bullshit later, House is right and gains 10 more smugfag points.

Pretty much, I've never cared for House either, for this reason. :lol:
My girlfriend loves House, I don't care much for it. It's the same fucking shtick each episode... He suggests what the cause of the illness is, no one believes him because it's too complicated, a bunch of tests and other dramatic bullshit later, House is right and gains 10 more smugfag points.

You can break down every fucking show that way, how about gordon ramsey?

He enters whatever he's doing, goes ballistic and uses the word "fuck" like a teenager who's just discovered the internet, and then saves the day by assraping whatever faggot he pissed all over
My girlfriend loves House, I don't care much for it. It's the same fucking shtick each episode... He suggests what the cause of the illness is, no one believes him because it's too complicated, a bunch of tests and other dramatic bullshit later, House is right and gains 10 more smugfag points.

I actually have to agree with you on this. I still think the show is interesting, and I've watched every single episode since it aired - but the show is monotonous. It really is the SAME basic story line - but being in the medical field, I love trying to guess the diseases. The writers change it up every season with new drama bullshit. haha.

edit: and I do like Dexter :)
I hate Coldplay, but I dig their new single.

Oh its sooooooooooooo bad. They play it like 4 times a day on the radio.
My girlfriend loves House, I don't care much for it. It's the same fucking shtick each episode... He suggests what the cause of the illness is, no one believes him because it's too complicated, a bunch of tests and other dramatic bullshit later, House is right and gains 10 more smugfag points.

You can break down every fucking show that way


I hate Coldplay, but I dig their new single.

Oh its sooooooooooooo bad. They play it like 4 times a day on the radio.

Video killed the radio star, the radio killed the music star.

Btw, what is that Dexter thing?