Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

I've used Mac computers for college in my Foreign Language Labs class and I didn't like it's desktop layout of programs compared to a PC. Even though the man in charge of the lab told us "Any idiot can use a Mac". :lol:
"Even phase of the wolf of CINNAMON which the honor-student has image placidly you can say, probably will be."

tried translating a block of text from ESP's japanese website about some circuit inside a bass, either their language is fucked, or hte translator

either way: What the fuck
Complete subject change:

I love how my iTunes just took me from "As the Machine Rolls On" by Napalm Death (length: 43 seconds) to "Reflection" by Tool (length: 11 minutes, 10 seconds). These kinds of transitions make my day.

One of the ways this could have been even better? If it had gone from "You Suffer" by Napalm Death (length: 3 seconds) to "Achilles, Agony, and Ecstasy in Eight Parts" by Manowar (length: 28 minutes, 39 seconds).
Holy fuck! :lol: The new Metallica album cover is so shitty. From a distance it might look like a badly drawn Vagina :lol:
