Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

it's cool, i download but, i do limit myself cuz its addicting

good way to download if you didn't already know it...

go to google, type the band name, type the album, and then type blogspot
I have a question for you guys.

I'm 16 year old, and have no income. I'm broke too. So far I have about 30 CDs (I know that's nothing), and don't download music (at all). Do you guys think it's ok for me to download?

Do it, save your money, don't buy any CD, go to show.

i do occasionally, but i feel bad. and considering i'm trying to become a musician, karma's gonna bite me in the ass

Don't try to be a musician, BE a musician. You don't need to sell CDs to be one, and people downloading your music ALSO means that you are a musician. Don't be a fucking Ulrich.
I washed my ass in the shower today and it almost started bleeding because it's a long time since i cut my fingernails.
i got some 20 year old bacardi, aged liquor is the best
Do you know what really grind my gears?

When you're eating some cereal, in this case it's Crunchy Nut Cornflakes.. And you keep noticing really shitty bits of cereal, like flakes that are deformed or burnt or a really fucked up colour, so you're like "fuck I'm not eating that". So then every time you come across a shit piece of cereal you have to get up and put it in the bin, then carry on eating. It fucking sucks.
Also, this is like, the best game music I've ever heard (at 1:00 it gets all" FUCK YEAH")

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