Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

I got me a new job at the Dollar Store last weekend and it's fine so far, going to work there until school starts. I'm just barely getting any hours, like 7-8 a week soar. Oh well, at least it's money.
Also I saw a CoB shirt at Hot Topic I liked yesterday but they didn't have it in a large. They had 2XL and Medium though. They also had Blooddrunk Digipas there. But I got me the new Ihsahn-angL at FYE. I looked at the CoB cd's and I remember people recommending me Follow The Reaper but I feel like it's a blind buy if I do. I've only eard stuff from Booddrunk, Are You Dead Yet?, an a song off Hate Crew Deathroll. I really liked them though.
Have you ever tried to blow your nose and fart at the same time?

You can't do em together, can you? It's like you're afraid you'll lose complete control, and wind up cleaning far more of the bathroom than you originally intended.
Have you ever tried to blow your nose and fart at the same time?

You can't do em together, can you? It's like you're afraid you'll lose complete control, and wind up cleaning far more of the bathroom than you originally intended.

Have you ever had to sneeze while peeing? Difficult feat to accomplish indeed.
Watch your mouth, idiot :rolleyes:
