Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.


^That as well! I love how the guitars just totally chug away during the intro and first verse. And I think it's funny that Alexi was quoted in an interview once saying that he hated the chorus of KTS because it reminded him of some Rhapsody bullshit or something lol. For "hastily composing it" in the recording studio I think it's a pretty fucking good song :lol:
from about 1:06-1:25 it reminds me of some kind of symphony. honestly I just love the feeling that this song and KTS portrays. I feel like I'm in some dark, desolate valley/forest with the moon shining bright and there's just an eerie feeling around. but it's not necessarily cold. it's like a wonderful summer night. haha.

and I thought it was just the lyrics for KTS he came up with hastily in the studio? If it was actually the music, then damn! tell that fool to write under pressure more often!
I like the songs Blooddrunk, Hellhounds on my Trail, In Your Face, and Are You Dead Yet? better than Northern Comfort. Blasphemy? :lol: