Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

somone help!

my cat stepped all over my keyboard and I have no idea wat keys she pressed, but now my computer screen looks like this:

Everything is turned sideways, and my neck hurts looking at it :lol: I have no idea how to fix it, but this is really annoying. does anyone know what the hell I should press to put it back to normal? I already tried control panel and I couldn't find anything to help.


As far as I know, press, ctrl + alt + up arrow, or down arrow I don't remember and that should solve it, if it doesn't work buy a new laptop, that's what I would do, no wait, buy 2 laptops in case your cat steps on the keyboard again :)


It worked!! I pressed ctr, alt and up arrow. Thank you SO much!


Yay!! I'm not useless :cool:

I never underestimate the power of the cat...I have three after all. I've had a string of yarn going through five rooms of the house and literally climbing cabinets.
Does anybody know how to get rid of permament marker scent on cardboard ? I used permanent marker to colour the inside of cardboard cups that im gonna fill with water and float small candles (the cardboard wont burn because it's too far away from the actual flame but anyway...) I don't want the room to smell like permanent marker because of the cups, it's gonna spoil the mood. I have 1 week, does anybody know how to get rid of that smell ?
Nothing ever invented by humanity so far is able to counter the smell of permanent marker. Permanent marker smell is just so over everything else in nature. I am sorry :)

Anyway, keep everything as it is and make the room air tight or at least do not ventilate it. The candle will make the synthetic permanent marker scent go airborne and it will open up visions of the future (probably some kind of premiere of the next Battlestar Galactica season).
Does anybody know how to get rid of permament marker scent on cardboard ? I used permanent marker to colour the inside of cardboard cups that im gonna fill with water and float small candles (the cardboard wont burn because it's too far away from the actual flame but anyway...) I don't want the room to smell like permanent marker because of the cups, it's gonna spoil the mood. I have 1 week, does anybody know how to get rid of that smell ?

Buy new cups...They are like 20cents.
Unless you actually plan to WASH cardboard cups to get the smell out.
very happy

i got a new 32 inch lcd tv in my room with full surround (put in the nevermore dvd its fucking br00000tal)
and i got amazing new computer speakers as well and they sound awesome to. basically i redid my whole room, threw out all the old shit i realized im becoming older and more mature now and i threw out all the "little boy" stuff and now i have a really nice respectable young adults room....lol
A copy of Vista Ultimate SP1 arrived some days ago and I've installed it on my MacBook Pro and MacPro (Bootcamp :)). It don't love Mac or Pc. I just use computers..I have to say Vista has been working nicely and Pro Tools HD is better on it than it was on XP (sleeker interface, faster to load/bypass etc. plugins).

if this is not random shit!
I took alot of Cubase 5/Steinberg ad-merch from work today:oops:

I need to give Cubase a test drive, I've heard it's awesome.

I've been told the same, my friend used to compose on it in Theory class because...he really didn't have to be in that theory class :p
When I last installed it, I had too many broken pirated VST plugins and it crashed when I opened it.
Gonna give it a trial run soon again :D.

Good idea, you could get arrested for having that shit around.
