Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.


Parry Gripp is awsum
holy crapz0r did i post this before?

I asked what a good RPG to get into when I was at Gamestop, the clerks ignored the shit out of me, and basically told me to go away. As soon as my relatively-cute-gamer friend asked one thing about a Wii, they lit up and all Jumped to show off all the attachments and shit...and offered to put in any game into the Wii display for her to try.

I asked what a good RPG to get into when I was at Gamestop, the clerks ignored the shit out of me, and basically told me to go away. As soon as my relatively-cute-gamer friend asked one thing about a Wii, they lit up and all Jumped to show off all the attachments and shit...and offered to put in any game into the Wii display for her to try.


This an arguement I had with my ex's friend, I lol'd the whole time.

Collin McGee yo, what's new with you?

Katie Bryce oh not much, just been trying to help jess and dean out after the attack on them, congrats to you and your "girlfriend" for causing so much pain and misery. really, very well done.

Collin McGee Attack? All I did was ask Dean a few things, what did I ever say that was offensive? and also, I can't really control what my girlfriend does anyways... somehow it really pissed her off.

Katie Bryce i cant believe you are actually questioning my use of the word "attack"
you and your girlfriend have been harrassing both jess and dean. dean was VERY upset so obvioulst you were NOT asking him "questions", questions would not have made him react the way he did. you had jess upset that she was going to lose her BOYFRIEND because of you, and your stupid girlfriend can go and mind her own fucking buisness rather than harrassing jess over the net by calling her her a "decieving bitch". besides, if you were really only asking dean "questions" i dont know how that involves you and your silly girlfriend tracking down his myspace OR youtube account and constantly drilling lies about jess into him, in a stupid attempt to break them up! you two are low and pathetic, and just because you are miserable and unhappy with your lives, does NOT mean that you have to go and target other ppl just to make THEM miserable and unhappy with THEIR lives.

Collin McGee Unhappy with my life? Oh I'm pretty happy with my life actually. And I wasn't plotting anything against the two at all. I really just wanted to know if Jess really told the truth to me this whole time. And so I just asked Dean. I never made up any lies at all. I do have evidence to back up everything I say anyways. And if I truly was the lieing type, I wouldn't have ever told Jess about the bad things I have done long ago. The only reason why my girlfriend was pissed was because someone was making up lies about me! Why? I don't know really, maybe to protect their lies from someone else. I know after talking with Dean that Jess did infact lie. It answered all my questions, I didn't plan anything else at all, but what disturbed me is how either Dean or Jess or both are accusing me of being somekind of psychopath or something... Really now, I just asked some questions! I didn't say shit like "Oh Jess is a horrible person", maybe my girlfriend did, but she gets pissed easily.

Katie Bryce so what your reallys sayng is that jess is a liar and that you are SO important that dean HAD to kno about you. dickhead. i have to go. i WONT be talking to you later. have a nice life...oh yer, and be sure to tell you "girlfriend" about that lovely french girl that you took to dinner and cuddled in the rain the other night. yer. amanda told ua all. better tel her, wouldnt want to make a lair of yourself now?

Collin McGee nope. I didn't know if she was lieing, so I talked to Dean to find out if she really was. And so I found out, and that's all. I didn't care much after that. And also, my girlfriend already knows about me hanging out with the French girl. I don't hide shit.
Also one last thing, not that I care if you read this, but you have nothing on me, I did nothing wrong. Also nice try on the attempt to screw things up between me and my girlfriend. I said that to Amanda just to see how low either of you would go, even though I didn't make it up. Good job, you proved yourselves to be hypocrites against what you seem to hate. Even though I never intended to break anyone up, nor did I ever insult you or swear at you either. Have a nice life too. ^^

Katie Bryce wasnt trying to attempt to screw things up hunnie, was just making sure you wouldnt become the liar. take it as a helpful tip

Collin McGee okay good.

Katie Bryce well you pissed everyone off and you should have both just left them alone. there was no need to ask questions, there was no need to look into their personal lives and yet you took it upon yourselves to do so, i see it is immature and silly and very spiteful. leave it at that

Collin McGee Oh yeah, it's so immature to just talk to someone now isn't it? Really, how is asking a few questions so immature? They obviously must be having issues between each other if my mere questions had that much of an effect. You know if people were just honest in the first place, I don't think they would be having such problems with each other.

Katie Bryce for fucks sake collin get over yourself will you? i dont care what your intensions were, the point is, asking questions about their relationship, that does NOT concern you was stupid and immature and it caused problems. i dont blame jess for being upset about you interrogating HER boyfriend after all the shit you have been giving her lately, calling her a liar and a bitch for leaving you, when really you were the one who dropped her like four times and at one stage claimed you didnt trust her. they are not having problems with each other, but YOU are the one causing problems. just fuck off, leave them the FUCK alone and stop your fucking bitching. stay away from dean and jess, tell your stupid girlfriend to leave them alone because none of their buisness concerns her and get a fucking life. the end, end of discussion, end of communication. thank you and good-fucking-bye.

Collin McGee lol.

Collin McGee legitimately I only dumped her once, she claims I dumped her three times though, the 2nd time, I didn't really want to at all. I don't get why she says there was another in between. and I'm not pissed that she dumped me... I just wanted to know if she lied, I don't really care what's happening between her and him. I never even asked or cared in the first place. Maybe you should stop making such rediculous claims over conversations you've never read, because THAT is what's immature. I wasn't bitching at all, do you see me swearing unlike you?

Katie Bryce i love how you said lol and THEN typed that message. just proves you wernt quick enough to think of an actual argument againt my claims.

Collin McGee interesting how you assume that. How does that prove anything? and also, how is that even a comeback against anything I said? looks like you ran out of ideas.

Katie Bryce comeback? haha i see you think this is a childish argument through the use of the term "comeback" but fine, if thats how you want to play it. i guess the lack of "comeback" just proves my lack of interest in this conversation, along with a lack of interest for you. i WAS the one to say "end of communication" was i not? good bye collin. good luck with both your girlfriends.

Collin McGee so presumptious you are. You were the one who got pissed at me in the first place, you'd think you would've dropped it, but nah, I guess you didn't want to. I wasn't even pissed or anything. I don't see this as childish anyways, I was basically stating a point, how is that even childish? That's like saying when a person tries to solve a conflicting issue in anything, that would be childish.

Katie Bryce ive been trying to drop it for the last 7 posts. stop wasting my time please good night collin.

Collin McGee indeed, good night, take care.

Wall of text, fuck it.

How gay is, that I want to hire the Valhalla Choral Ensemble to just follow me around and sing my life's soundtrack :erk:
Band from Norway called Highland Glory. Inspired by Iron Maiden, Nightwish and that kind of music.
The guy with the Jackson is my cousin. His name is Jack Roger. He's put tape over "son" on where it stands "Jackson" on his guitar :rofl:
(I is cameraman!)

Here is their homepage if you want to take a closer look :D


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my first HDR (just the merging)
yeah know :( but i've decided to take it as a hobby =p
