I really don't like Guitar Hero. I hate this fucking game.
I really don't like Guitar Hero. I hate this fucking game.
My neighbor is cutting down a tree.
"media player" and "kick ass" don't exist in the same sentence unless it was something like ______ kicks media players ass...
Alexi said Montreal is the best town to play in anyway...
! You do know he says that in every city probaby
! You do know he says that in every city probaby
I'm just listening to everyone on Facebook BAAAWWW about some kid that got in his parent's balloon experiment (wtf I don't even) and fell out... what the hell is the matter with people... OH HEY LET'S WATCH "UP" WITH OUR KID AND THEN NEXT WEEK WE'LL BUILD A BALLOON AND LEAVE YOU UNSUPERVISED WITH NOTHING BUT A ROPE STOPPING YOUR 6 YEAR OLD ASS FROM FLYING UP TO GOD'S NUTS!!!!
Parents should be charged with negligence.
Yeah but the difference is, he siad that in an interview that took place somewhere in the US... I think it was somewhere in Florida actually, if I'm not mistaken
He was with Janne there. and they said they'd pick Montreal over Tokyo nowadays