Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

i want a t-shirt that says "say hello to my little friend", a face of Tony Montana and an arrow pointing down
I´m shaking my head about this:

Metal Britannia: Is Heavy Metal Your Religion?

Get all the details on how you can join our world metal peace ambassador Biff Byford in defending the faith in the best way possible – by making ‘heavy metal’ a recognised religion in the UK!
Are you a defender of the faith? Do you throw the horns more often than you put your hands together? Then you’ll want to get in on Metal Hammer’s Metal Britannia campaign to let the powers that be know it.

In the census of 2001, over 390,000 people stated that their religion was ‘Jedi’ on their census forms, making the fictional Stars Wars creed the fourth-biggest religion in the UK. With your help, we want to give metal the recognition it deserves by getting it acknowledged as a religion in the UK!
Over the next year, Metal Hammer, with the help of Saxon’s Biff Byford acting as our very own world metal peace ambassador, will be saluting the UK’s rich heavy metal heritage, selecting a different town or city each month and celebrating its sterling contribution to our beloved music and culture.
“Metal was created here so it must be in the gene pool in the UK, I think!” says Biff. “In the early 80s there was a huge number of great bands and we were all part of the same club, whatever we called ourselves, whether it was heavy rock, rock’n’roll or heavy metal, it made no difference. There was just this huge following of over a million people in the UK and now it’s happening all over again! Getting heavy metal recognised as a religion is a great bit of rebellion, isn’t it? This really is going to be a very cool thing.”

Which bands and musicians do you think are worthy of prestigious positions within the Church Of Heavy Metal? And which towns or cities or other places do you think we should honour as integral parts of Metal Britannia over the coming months? Let us know by emailing us at metalbritannia@metalhammer.co.uk.
For the full story, get your hands on a copy of the latest issue of Metal Hammer!

Source: http://www.metalhammer.co.uk/news/m...campaign-to-make-metal-a-recognised-religion/

Edit: Oooops wrong thread, was supposed to be in Whatareyoudoing... xD
"... it may not be the cure for cancer, but it is fun and fun is something that I feel is lacking in a lot of the music out there today. It's music, it's not saving lives; there is no reason to be serious 100% of the time."

- James Malone on the song 'Forced To Rock'

While it was a bit dumb, IMHO that attitude is the best one a musician can have.
Needs moar heavy though.
i'm gonna go buy a cd tomorrow, 'cause i want to become a reviewer for this new online mag, and of course they need a example-review, thing is, i haven't bought or downloaded an entire cd in ages -_-
i'm gonna go buy a cd tomorrow, 'cause i want to become a reviewer for this new online mag, and of course they need a example-review, thing is, i haven't bought or downloaded an entire cd in ages -_-

Die. Not buying a CD is one thing, downloading individual songs and not the album. . . that's just wrong. Please don't say you use Limewire :lol:
Die. Not buying a CD is one thing, downloading individual songs and not the album. . . that's just wrong. Please don't say you use Limewire :lol:

Fucking agreed to the max, thats like downloading just ONE scene from a movie, you're missing the whole picture ffs.
Die. Not buying a CD is one thing, downloading individual songs and not the album. . . that's just wrong. Please don't say you use Limewire :lol:

Fucking agreed to the max, thats like downloading just ONE scene from a movie, you're missing the whole picture ffs.

Bull fucking shit. Most albums these days are filled with filler crap anyway, if you know you like a song but can't afford a whole album/know the rest is shit then go ahead and buy/download that song. Single songs are usually like 99p anyway, lets say on average an album will have around 12 songs, that's £11.88. Most new albums are usually around £15 so it's actually cheaper to buy the songs you know you like. You only "miss the whole picture" if all you listen to is epic Prog concept albums, why the hell do you think singles exist?

Besides, actually getting worked up about and having "moral guidelines" when it comes to procuring music is fucking ridiculous.