Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Oh shut up you mongoloid, you care WAY too much about what everyone says(evident by you crying over someone blocking you on msn over facebook, get a fucking grip man), if you care that much; you are a boring annoying twat.
Don't make such a silly assumption, look at the one who's bitching in this discussion.
:lol: I don't cry over it, I just point it out for the lulz because that person was just trying to annoy me to justify themselves. Someone had a go at me for that, though. Anyways, that's a part of my personal life that doesn't have much to do with the forum. Though, that's if you're talking about who I think you're talking about.
I'm open-minded(i just don't shower that i am all over the place, i keep a LOT of thoughts and opinions to myself, and things i post do not always reflect my 100% position on a subject), but also not afraid of confronting someone about things and start discussions such as yourself, you're too caught up in covering all the bases and making everyone happy that it's like you have no fucking personality. I'd rather have strong expressed opinions about things than be another spineless faggot. And as for caring what people say, i usually do, but not when they're adding nil to a discussion, or continuing one that i was clearly done with just for the sake of riling a discussion up.
I'm too caught up in making everyone happy? Well clearly the way you are talking is just contradicting that statement because you're obviously butthurt.
Being open-minded is not about licking everyone and their dogs asshole in the hopes that they'll like and accept you. I listen to other peoples opinions every day and i enjoy their input and a lot of ideas are great, but i also have the ability to DISAGREE in order to continue the discussion by them furthering their point(as swabs did there, though i, as stated, ran out of energy to continue the discussion, well whop-dee-doo i guess this means i'm ignorant). This is how PROGRESS is made, if everyone sat down playing with their fucking knob while agreeing that yes, every theory ever has a valid point and we should all just reach around each other and cuddle in this whole world of happiness, understanding and love, then human kind would make no god damned progress in ANYTHING. But just keep doing what works for you man, no opinion of value would be lost anyways.
I never said I agree with everyone, that wouldn't be even possible anyways due to conflicting views. Does it even seem like I do in the first place? :lol:
I do, however, read what other people say and think about what they say and them give them my own thoughts about it, some people just get really butthurt over it though. :3
Saying that opinions are opinions and you can never change another person's opnion is a bit silly too, because they would have to be strongly stubborn to be so hardcore to stick to only what they think and not be open to bringing in and embracing new ideas from others. That, I do in tranquility.
Anyways, you need to stop making silly assumptions.

tl;dr: fuck off kaga, you spineless annoying spamming cunt.
Don't make such a silly assumption, look at the one who's bitching in this discussion.
:lol: I don't cry over it, I just point it out for the lulz because that person was just trying to annoy me to justify themselves. Someone had a go at me for that, though. Anyways, that's a part of my personal life that doesn't have much to do with the forum. Though, that's if you're talking about who I think you're talking about.

Oh you cried over it alright :lol:, you were certainly not pointing it out for lulz.
But you're right, it doesn't have much to do with the forum, i just used it as an example.

I'm too caught up in making everyone happy? Well clearly the way you are talking is just contradicting that statement because you're obviously butthurt.

Oh no, I'm talking about how you suck up to everyone and their dog and constantly try desperately to make friends with people. Don't think i haven't seen it, and don't think i didn't see it a year ago when you tried doing it with me.

Protip: reason why i never started a convo with you and why i stopped talking to you is because you're EXTREMELY boring as a person, evident by your transparent personality.

I never said I agree with everyone, that wouldn't be even possible anyways due to conflicting views. Does it even seem like I do in the first place? :lol:
I do, however, read what other people say and think about what they say and them give them my own thoughts about it, some people just get really butthurt over it though. :3
Saying that opinions are opinions and you can never change another person's opnion is a bit silly too, because they would have to be strongly stubborn to be so hardcore to stick to only what they think and not be open to bringing in and embracing new ideas from others. That, I do in tranquility.
Anyways, you need to stop making silly assumptions.

Holy fuck go back to reading school. I said that you can QUESTION peoples opinions.

And as for the other things; thats fair, and thats actually proper, if you showed this every now and again you probably wouldn't come off as such an annoying dickless moron.
Oh no, I'm talking about how you suck up to everyone and their dog and constantly try desperately to make friends with people. Don't think i haven't seen it, and don't think i didn't see it a year ago when you tried doing it with me.
What the hell are you talking about? When did I want to be such good friends with you? I don't exactly need friends so desperately. I already naturally have a lot outside, and I'm talking about outside the internet too.

Protip: reason why i never started a convo with you and why i stopped talking to you is because you're EXTREMELY boring as a person, evident by your transparent personality.
You barely even know me that well. Anyone on this forum who actually knows me outside of the forum would definitely realize that I'm not really the same at all. Personally, I barely even know much about you, and I didn't care so much to get to know you anyways because you seemed so damn silent anyways. We only really talked about SYL and some other musical shit. You talk about me like you know me so damn well. But really, what could you know about me other than just my trolling here and the few facebook posts I make? I don't mind making friends, but if they are always going to be butthurt over anything and constantly being serious, then what's the point?

Holy fuck go back to reading school. I said that you can QUESTION peoples opinions.
Well well, refer back to your comic you made about me then. Changing and questioning opinions aren't quite the same anyways.

And as for the other things; thats fair, and thats actually proper, if you showed this every now and again you probably wouldn't come off as such an annoying dickless moron.
I don't know if you or anyone else notices this on the forum, but I rarely actually call anyone on this forum insulting names. Not that it matters. :lol:
I actually know more about you than you think i do, protip: your friends talk. You're a bitch and a troll, just keep denying it, it's really not my problem. I also do not see what relevance that comic has to do with this, but whatever, make your own arguments. And yes, that doesn't matter so why bring it up? I'm just going to put you on ignore along with the rest of the faggots as long as you can't even admit to the most obvious shit.
I actually know more about you than you think i do, protip: your friends talk. You're a bitch and a troll, just keep denying it, it's really not my problem. I also do not see what relevance that comic has to do with this, but whatever, make your own arguments. And yes, that doesn't matter so why bring it up? I'm just going to put you on ignore along with the rest of the faggots as long as you can't even admit to the most obvious shit.

Welps, looks like he has me on ignore. But I wonder why he would trust anyone on the interwebz to know anything about me? Why would anyone want to talk about me to him? Do I even matter that much to him? :lol:
I wonder what exactly he claims I've been bitching about though. O.o

I officially rename this thread "The Argue with Muffin Thread".