Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

i listen to music according to my mood, so i like to hear full albums, because they are kinda like a unity, like muffin said, it's nice to have the whole picture. But i do agree with swabs too, most of albums are full of fillers. And it pisses me off
I often find that fillers tend to be unpolished gems waiting to be found, they just take some time to get into. Not every song can be a pop-spin off like folk metal shits out every half-second. I suppose it depends on the artist, but It's what i found at least.

Also, lol @ swabs saying we're getting worked up, you seem to be the most worked up about this subject so far.

And singles aren't made so that cheapskates can dip into an album and know its good, its advertisement like sample foods at a store to get people interested in buying the rest of the album. That was the original intention at least, pop music tends to change stuff.

Oh and as for the moral guidelines thing; fuck right off you bigot, moral guidelines are a entirely subjective and personal thing, and I'll have my moral as i very well please.
Morals guidlines about HOW PEOPLE BUY THEIR MUSIC!? That's what I'm getting at, it's fucking pathetic that someone will actually berate others about how the acquire and listen to music. You yourself said it's "entirely subjective", so why put others at fault simply because they have a different idea of how to purchase music? In fact, it's such a trivial and unimportant matter I can't believe that anyone would feel so strongly about it. So fucking what if you only buy CD's and Vinyls and listen to the whole way through every time you press play? Why the fuck should that matter to anyone else?
Jesus fucking christ you're taking this far too serious, because obviously by moral guidelines i meant that it is the ruling guideline i live from. You know what, you're just going to keep making a big deal out of this and I don't have the energy to address every petty argument your royal gingerness can come up with, you obviously care more about this than i do. You won the argument, have fun.
Morals guidlines about HOW PEOPLE BUY THEIR MUSIC!? That's what I'm getting at, it's fucking pathetic that someone will actually berate others about how the acquire and listen to music. You yourself said it's "entirely subjective", so why put others at fault simply because they have a different idea of how to purchase music? In fact, it's such a trivial and unimportant matter I can't believe that anyone would feel so strongly about it. So fucking what if you only buy CD's and Vinyls and listen to the whole way through every time you press play? Why the fuck should that matter to anyone else?

Jesus fucking christ you're taking this far too serious, because obviously by moral guidelines i meant that it is the ruling guideline i live from. You know what, you're just going to keep making a big deal out of this and I don't have the energy to address every petty argument your royal gingerness can come up with, you obviously care more about this than i do. You won the argument, have fun.

Swabs has a point, and who cares if he's too serious or not. He still has a point.
Swabs has a point, and who cares if he's too serious or not. He still has a point.

If you say so, but i should care about your input(or lack thereof), why?

I'm really through with this discussion though, he's stated his opinion on the subject and that's ok for me, I'm not going to continue it.
ITT: Swabs gets butthurt for using Limewire. :lol:

I was not advocating ONLY downloading a CD and forcing yourself to listen to ONLY that album start to end. I'm just saying GET THE CD, LISTEN TO IT AT SOME POINT and SEE WHAT YOU LIKE. You could be missing out on a lot, as you said there are a lot of filler songs so if you tried to get a few songs from a band individually and ended up with the shit songs, that would ruin the whole experience... and it was nothing serious I was saying to her. You can always delete what you don't like.

As Eve would say:

Getting upset over the internet, I don't like that in a man :(
You now realize Ensi can't spell.

Die. Not buying a CD is one thing, downloading individual songs and not the album. . . that's just wrong. Please don't say you use Limewire :lol:

that's not what i meant, i meant that i haven't bought a cd OR downloaded one, because you could imply that i just took it from the internet. i have downloaded fragments of cd's though, but i can't write a review of a cd of which i've heard only fragments from (+to which i don't own the booklet).
and i find that downloading some songs from a cd can be pretty useful when you're not familiar with a band, actually.
i don't use limewire though :p
If you say so, but i should care about your input(or lack thereof), why?

Lulz. Unlike you, I do care about what everyone says (regardless to who they are), but I also don't start man pmsing over what people say. I do care because I like to be open-minded to what others think instead of being ignorant.
Lulz. Unlike you, I do care about what everyone says (regardless to who they are), but I also don't start man pmsing over what people say. I do care because I like to be open-minded to what others think instead of being ignorant.

Oh shut up you mongoloid, you care WAY too much about what everyone says(evident by you crying over someone blocking you on msn over facebook, get a fucking grip man), if you care that much; you are a boring annoying twat.

I'm open-minded(i just don't shower that i am all over the place, i keep a LOT of thoughts and opinions to myself, and things i post do not always reflect my 100% position on a subject), but also not afraid of confronting someone about things and start discussions such as yourself, you're too caught up in covering all the bases and making everyone happy that it's like you have no fucking personality. I'd rather have strong expressed opinions about things than be another spineless faggot. And as for caring what people say, i usually do, but not when they're adding nil to a discussion, or continuing one that i was clearly done with just for the sake of riling a discussion up.

Being open-minded is not about licking everyone and their dogs asshole in the hopes that they'll like and accept you. I listen to other peoples opinions every day and i enjoy their input and a lot of ideas are great, but i also have the ability to DISAGREE in order to continue the discussion by them furthering their point(as swabs did there, though i, as stated, ran out of energy to continue the discussion, well whop-dee-doo i guess this means i'm ignorant). This is how PROGRESS is made, if everyone sat down playing with their fucking knob while agreeing that yes, every theory ever has a valid point and we should all just reach around each other and cuddle in this whole world of happiness, understanding and love, then human kind would make no god damned progress in ANYTHING. But just keep doing what works for you man, no opinion of value would be lost anyways.

tl;dr: fuck off kaga, you spineless annoying spamming cunt.
why the hell do you think singles exist?

Uhhh.... as promotional tools for the album, as Muffin said? If songs were meant to be listened to individually, every song would be released that way. But they're not, they're meant to be listened to as a cohesive whole. :goggly:
Oh shut up you mongoloid, you care WAY too much about what everyone says(evident by you crying over someone blocking you on msn over facebook, get a fucking grip man), if you care that much; you are a boring annoying twat.

I'm open-minded(i just don't shower that i am all over the place, i keep a LOT of thoughts and opinions to myself, and things i post do not always reflect my 100% position on a subject), but also not afraid of confronting someone about things and start discussions such as yourself, you're too caught up in covering all the bases and making everyone happy that it's like you have no fucking personality. I'd rather have strong expressed opinions about things than be another spineless faggot. And as for caring what people say, i usually do, but not when they're adding nil to a discussion, or continuing one that i was clearly done with just for the sake of riling a discussion up.

Being open-minded is not about licking everyone and their dogs asshole in the hopes that they'll like and accept you. I listen to other peoples opinions every day and i enjoy their input and a lot of ideas are great, but i also have the ability to DISAGREE in order to continue the discussion by them furthering their point(as swabs did there, though i, as stated, ran out of energy to continue the discussion, well whop-dee-doo i guess this means i'm ignorant). This is how PROGRESS is made, if everyone sat down playing with their fucking knob while agreeing that yes, every theory ever has a valid point and we should all just reach around each other and cuddle in this whole world of happiness, understanding and love, then human kind would make no god damned progress in ANYTHING. But just keep doing what works for you man, no opinion of value would be lost anyways.

tl;dr: fuck off kaga, you spineless annoying spamming cunt.

I hate to say it but...


Really do yourself a favour and put him on your ignore list. He is summed up perfectly by your tl;dr unfortunately and the only way to escape it is to do the aforementioned action. I really imagine him NEEDING to troll this place in order to get hard. I can't imagine why else he would spend so much time on here when he's in Australia for a woman.

and i find that downloading some songs from a cd can be pretty useful when you're not familiar with a band, actually.
i don't use limewire though :p

I agree with that too except that is what Youtube is for :p I no longer download random songs, but rather Myspace or Youtube songs by a band I am not familiar with.