Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

This Trivium dude is everything I hate in this world.

- USA ?
- Love it
- Canada ?
- Love it
- Obama ?
- Cool I guess, I'm an ignorant and I don't follow that "shit" to much
- Video games ?
- Kickass
- Favorite movie ?
- Ace Ventura

Neither band really bother me all that much. I liked slipknot when I was younger and I recently started to appreciate Trivium more because of shogun. I feel they've finally come into their own as players, but it doesn't change the fact that corey and paul are dumb as fuck lol.
To be honest, they all are pretty doofy, and I mean that in a nice way. When I saw them in December they were really good, but Matt talks so fucking much, holy god.

please don't flame, tried as hard as I could :(

Get singing lessons, really, not much you can do on your own to improve... if you're serious about it then it's the only way. But if you just wanna karoake by yourself when your parents aren't home then carry on.

But your talking voice isn't as gay as I thought it would be. Actually not gay at all. Congrats.
Well, for nose singing that was spot on. The air guitar was priceless as well, ahh being 14.

You have to inhale air and exhale words. Does that not not make sense?

Edited for derp.

please don't flame, tried as hard as I could :(

so why did you record it anyway?:p
nah just kidding. Sounds like you need to get out of yourself. It really sounds like you're singing in front of some people or if you're afraid that your parents will crash into your vocal recording sessions :D
Or like Joe said, get vocal lessons. But first your voice should sound more as if you were convicend of your skills
and then : get a better mic and/or eq the voice:P

Best dinner party evar!
Get singing lessons, really, not much you can do on your own to improve... if you're serious about it then it's the only way. But if you just wanna karoake by yourself when your parents aren't home then carry on.

Singing lessons go on the to-do list, thanks.

But your talking voice isn't as gay as I thought it would be. Actually not gay at all. Congrats.


Well, for nose singing that was spot on. The air guitar was priceless as well, ahh being 14.

You have to inhale air and exhale words. Does that not not make sense?

Edited for derp.

I kind of understand where you're coming from.


so why did you record it anyway?:p
nah just kidding. Sounds like you need to get out of yourself. It really sounds like you're singing in front of some people or if you're afraid that your parents will crash into your vocal recording sessions :D

I am afraid of that :(

Or like Joe said, get vocal lessons. But first your voice should sound more as if you were convicend of your skills
and then : get a better mic and/or eq the voice:P

I know jack shit about eq'ing, more stuff to read up on.
uggggh so much stuff to buy, I need a job

thanks anyway guys <3

Best dinner party evar!
