Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.


When i was 14 i went to high school,and unfortunately my high school was typical high school from stupid american teen movies where i was fat nerd :lol:
Me too :blush: But I still had friends and talked to girls : /
I just didn't do much touching of their boobies.

dear god, pulling the getting laid card. come on, i've been a silent observer all of these years and watched so many things get fucked up because someone had to get their dick wet. seriously. sex actually ruins lives, don't worry about that shit 'till later broseph

No it doesn't. What are you, 16 now? Nothing you do socially matters. NOTHING. You will NEVER see 97% of the people you talk to every day, in about 5 years. Kids shouldn't give kids advice.

Sex is a gateway act which leads to worse things such as: The consumption of feces, nipple-electrode experimentation, the strangulation of domesticated animals and cuddling.

Sex, its worse than marijuana.
^ "T.G.I. Friday's... If I had a place like that, you know what I'd call it? H.S.I.O.W. Holy Shit It's Only Wednesday! I think people would drink a lot more liquor if they thought it was Wednesday all of the time. Well, I'm just looking for a little honesty in these names. A little honesty, that's not asking a lot. I'm thinking of opening a motel and calling it the Sleep And Fuck. Wouldn't that be a good honest name for a motel? Who needs this "Shady Pines" bullshit? The Sleep And Fuck Motel. Give me one of them big neon signs: Sleep. Fuck. Sleep. Fuck. SLEEP AND FUCK. SLEEP AND FUCK. SLEEP AND FUCK. You'd put it right at the Jersey entrance of the Holland tunnel. You know? Actually Fuck And Sleep would be a little more accurate, wouldn't it? Best name for a motel would be the Fuck And Smoke And Sleep And Roll Over And Get Out Of Bed And Wash Your Crotch And Go Out And Buy Two Cans Of Mr. Pibb And Go Home And Fuck A Whole Lot More."

Hahaha.... George Carlin for president of the world. Even if he is dead, I don't care.
i'd totally bone her


omg pedoalert

Might as well say something like "OMG Obama won the election!" while you're at it.
Anyone else around who thinks that in the Toys'R'Us pic her face looks as natural as that of a 50 year old whose plastic surgery was done by Michael Jackson's buddy?
I bet you thought that was really funny. :

Actually no, I don't find myself humorous at all. It really sucks, haha. But maybe one of these days I'll make you chuckle without even intending to. Or not, whatever. =\

But seriously. You can't tell me they don't look like some 8 year old prostitutes. And at some point, when she's actually her sister's age, it'll tun out that she really is a skank. No?
So I remembered this one time when I was in Germany partying. I went into a big disco on a saturday night. I had been there before and usually went to this "black area" to have a smoke. They play just normal music there on the other days, but when i went there they were playing latino, RnB and hip hop and all that stuff.

Then I start looking around, I see only eyes and teeth in the dark room. Holy fuck, the people looking at me... I was one of the only white guys there. I was liek "oh yeah excuse me" and did a u-turn :( I mean, I don't mean to be a racist or anything...but I felt probably like a black guy in a ku klux meeting :(