Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Fuck yeah, dude. Show them the mean salad you can make. =O

I told them I can lift 50lbs of potatos and got the job. Its fucking diiirrtty, and they only gave me dinner shifts on Sat-Sun. The boss is some punk with a dirt-stache, I felt his hand crack when I shook it.
Warning : MySpace pic featured

Why would you get a job if... it's like that.

Because I can write down on a resume that I've worked in a kitchen, and have the manager of a kitchen be able to say I know what the hell I'm doing. I don't plan on being there long, but I'm sick and fucking tired of dealing with customer complaints.

Who the fuck complains about a corporate grocery chain being out of Dandelion!? Who the fuck eats Dandelion!?!!?
Mohammed Suicmez with long hair



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