Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.


Seldom have I seen anything as mathematically beautiful as Sturm-Liouville theory. And I used to think differential equations were boring.
Seldom have I seen anything as mathematically beautiful as Sturm-Liouville theory. And I used to think differential equations were boring.

But it is still a fledgling theory, you know? Also I hate to call the Sturm-Liouville theory a theory because it is so much a big part of PDE, which I think is a theory in itself. But I would say Algebraic Topology is a nicer (or "beautifuler" field (yet still fledging!), which is awesome for my Phd :P) The Poincarré Theorem is so much sexiest than any theorem in the Sturm-Liouville Theory tbh!
Also QFT problems are still dealing with partial differential equations of a certain mechanical Hamiltonian of certains fields. This problem, depending on the situation, can be dealt as a Sturm-Liouville problem (actually, most of the time) but still, not much Eigen Functions (or vectors or values) in the space of QM (Hilbert Space) was found. So it's still a very incomplete theory!
or maybe QM is, I don't know (it actually is, considering it's fails to include any kind of GR!)(Or a failure of every GR to include QM, who knows?). My teacher says it would be the GR's that would have to adapt to QM. I actually think the same because geometry is , I think, a consequence of physics and we shouldn't base our physics intuition on a geomatrical or "human-realistic" model. He said (He's a Mcgill prof in High-Energy so he knows what he's talking about hahaha)(Btw, I'm a Phd student at Mcgill transfering from... Cornell :/) that, just like Weinberg, which is one of my favorite physicist, physics should drive the truth and mathematics should be the guider.
I should work out but eh... Doesn't fit into my schedule of video games, school, and guitar very well, and then occasionally seeing my girlfriend. That last part is probably the most excercise I get =P
Fucking working out, I don't need to be some roid monkey to stay in good shape. I just play Tennis and Squash a couple times a week, good exercise and actually enjoyable.
I don't need to take roids to work out :p
Sports, or competing in general has never really interested me. I'd rather go out for a jog or something.
Though Its been almost 8 months since I last went out jogging :/
Go Ottermode brahs, get chicks.

Ottermode is goal brah

Skinnyfat atm

I play Tennis and Squash

Too high in empty calories for you :p
Eat nothing buy soy, skim milk, green veggies, skinless bonesless chicken, canned tuna, oatz n' squatz.