Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

I agree. Running reminds me of yesterday my friend did a nasty trick to me. He was riding his bicycle next to me, when I was walking to local grocery store. Then he grabbed my sleeve with his other hand and started to pedal the shit out of his bicycle. Of course I started to run with him because I didn't want to be dragged on the ground. We did this about 200 metres and when he let of my sleeve, I couldn't immediately slow myself down and nearly crashed to one girl on my class. Luckily I didn't. Well, at least I got faster to the store.

Eh... Why didn't you just pull him off his bike. What are you a little girl? /austrian accent
Nobody said you have to pull him off the bike and then beat the shit out of him. But if he had grabbed you, and you stood your ground, he would have pulled himself off the bike. In which case, the whole thing would be hilarious because he looks like the asshole, instead of you.
Nobody said you have to pull him off the bike and then beat the shit out of him. But if he had grabbed you, and you stood your ground, he would have pulled himself off the bike. In which case, the whole thing would be hilarious because he looks like the asshole, instead of you.
I'm used to look like an asshole, so the situation wasn't new.
Either way, I'm astonished you're at all worried about what others think, I thought better of you.
Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but I do care what people think of me, it's only normal... either way, I liked running a lot a few years ago (the fast kind, not the extensive marathon-one), before I erm.. lets say... got extra shapes :cry:

Temperature, maybe, thats why I stopped running last fall :p, but when its warm out its great. Fresh breezes and whatnot

it's either too cold or too hot over here, you only have those 2 options :p
Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but I do care what people think of me, it's only normal... either way, I liked running a lot a few years ago (the fast kind, not the extensive marathon-one), before I erm.. lets say... got extra shapes :cry:

I would love a girl to go jogging with :p I go jogging every other day by myself. You wouldn't look silly when there are at least two of us.

And I am cool with extra shapes you speak of :lol:

The weather here is starting to get very nice. Just in time... after semester finals :zombie::zombie::zombie:
Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but I do care what people think of me, it's only normal... either way, I liked running a lot a few years ago (the fast kind, not the extensive marathon-one), before I erm.. lets say... got extra shapes :cry:

it's either too cold or too hot over here, you only have those 2 options :p
Not running will not fix the extra shapes :p
And I guess caring about strangers is normal, but I'd rather ignore that feeling when I realize the vast majority of people are idiots, or assholes, usually both. I really don't give a fuck what they laugh at.

Also..pfft, put a sweater on and dont be a wuss :p

I would love a girl to go jogging with :p I go jogging every other day by myself. You wouldn't look silly when there are at least two of us.

And I am cool with extra shapes you speak of :lol:

Also, I hate running with a partner. If you can hold a conversation you aren't running fast enough, and I like to zone out into music.

He's almost done being our governor. It's gonna be weird now that our state isn't going to have a governor that can knock any other governor out. Except for possibly Ventura up in Minnesota. XD