Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Pfft, what else is there? Football? Fuck that, sport of fuckwit chavs. Rugby? Fuck that, it's fun but you need to join a team.

Actually I think its cool, cricket and greyhounds shit that is, throw polo into it too :lol: GET A SUIT, FEDORA, MONOCLE, GROW A FLASHY MOUSTACHE

go posh :lol:
Fucking working out, I don't need to be some roid monkey to stay in good shape. I just play Tennis and Squash a couple times a week, good exercise and actually enjoyable.

Working out =/= being a roid monkey :p

I've been doing weights for a good few months now. Feels good man. I've also been jogging, skipping, boxing, rowing, swimming and playing Squash all at the gym. Its good to be able to do it all in one place and its not even that expensive.

But now you cant drink beer :(
Too high in empty calories for you :p
Eat nothing buy soy, skim milk, green veggies, skinless bonesless chicken, canned tuna, oatz n' squatz.

I'm not that bad though, I eat moderately healthy anyway e.g 5+ Fruit and Veg a day, hardly any processed meat and try to keep it low on additives and preservatives. (Been eating alot of homemade stir frys :lol:) Beer is probably my main downfall.

The guy I live with works out shit loads and he recently did the 300 diet with colon cleansing shit and his abs are like steel now. NO HOMO
I'm not that bad though, I eat moderately healthy anyway e.g 5+ Fruit and Veg a day, hardly any processed meat and try to keep it low on additives and preservatives. (Been eating alot of homemade stir frys :lol:) Beer is probably my main downfall.

The guy I live with works out shit loads and he recently did the 300 diet with colon cleansing shit and his abs are like steel now. NO HOMO

whats this 300 thing? Is that calories a day... :erk:?

I dont buy processed shit anymore, simply because I as too fucking broke to afford it, and got so used to cooking my own food theres no point to go back. The beer has been heavy lately though :erk: I don't want to sit in a room full of people with beer drinking vodka cranberry D:
No 'roids at all and immabeast. Plus i do mma so it's not useless mass either.
neither is ordinary running >_>
I agree. Running reminds me of yesterday my friend did a nasty trick to me. He was riding his bicycle next to me, when I was walking to local grocery store. Then he grabbed my sleeve with his other hand and started to pedal the shit out of his bicycle. Of course I started to run with him because I didn't want to be dragged on the ground. We did this about 200 metres and when he let of my sleeve, I couldn't immediately slow myself down and nearly crashed to one girl on my class. Luckily I didn't. Well, at least I got faster to the store.
Ohnono, Its what the actors from 300 did.

300 as in 8-pack ab Spartans 300.

edit: postgumped

ohh, gay. I'm still recovering from a bbq so its all tofu and spinach untill I shit regular again :(

neither is ordinary running >_>

thing is, whilest running around in the streets, people laugh... people in the gym... are as sweaty as you are, therefore cannot laugh... <_<


also, the temperature is nice indoors :)

Ordinary is fun more because of scenery, I liked running in the woods, but I've since moved, so need to explore this area.

Also, the only people who laugh at a jogger for being sweaty, are usually lazy cunts who would never be caught dead doing anything productive. I generally don't care what people like that think. I don't generally plan my day around the slim chance some fat kid is going to laugh at me from out of ear-shot. Either way, I'm astonished you're at all worried about what others think, I thought better of you.

Temperature, maybe, thats why I stopped running last fall :p, but when its warm out its great. Fresh breezes and whatnot