Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

As long as these 8 still breath, there can be no benevolent "anything" out there.
this is the reason why i drink and smoke. Nergal lives "healthy live" according to some videos and interviews, he works out and stuff, now he has cancer.
It's true. When I smoked weed everyday and drank every weekend I was 160lbs, I could run 6KM easy, and I was healthy as fuck. As soon as I quit I got fat and sick. Doesn't stop me from living healthy but it is a weird thing I have observed.
this is the reason why i drink and smoke. Nergal lives "healthy live" according to some videos and interviews, he works out and stuff, now he has cancer.

Healthy living is more about feeling better while you are alive, not really about extending your life. I mainly don't smoke cigarettes (or that fucking hookah) anymore because it just tears my lungs up when I want to run or something. I had an uncle this year who lived very healthy; took vitamins, exercised, ate well, very low stress job. In March he started having abdominal pains, they diagnosed him with pancreatic cancer, and he died 3 months later. Perfectly healthy, to being stuck in bed 24/7 in one month.

So yeah, shit happens and you'll never see it coming.
this is the reason why i drink and smoke. Nergal lives "healthy live" according to some videos and interviews, he works out and stuff, now he has cancer.

Not sure if youre serious, but thats a rather bad argument :p
No one ever said you wont get cancer if you live healthy. The chances are just lower than when you smoke etc.

I smoke too though, and I don't try to quit because I don't have the need to get 70+ years old. When your old as that, the only thing for living for are your children and grandchildren, but i dont even want children :lol:
Cancer is something programmed through random (and bad) mutation of your genes. That shit has been going on for millions of years and even though there are some ways to reduce your risk, you can't prevent it 100%, just because of how random it is in the gene pool. Though smoking and cocktails to increase your risk of esophageal and lung/stomach cancer.