Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.


Nostalgia does not make the game any better, Halo 2 was ingenious yes. But it is simply the older version of the more refined and expanded Halo Reach multiplayer, they function the same way, Reach is just more. Fuck you guys are your wank arse "oh so individual" opinions.

You can't say that, the main reason Halo 2 online was god tier was because it stood the test of time. We can't compare the two as of yet.
Yes Ensi, the operative word of that sentence being WAS.

TheKid, I can't even take you seriously any more, all you do is try to be Ensi, fucking man up and stop it.

Yes Ensi, the operative word of that sentence being WAS.

TheKid, I can't even take you seriously any more, all you do is try to be Ensi, fucking man up and stop it.

I'm not trying to be anyone. I tried to put across a point in that last statement, and my feelings on the subject are completely my own. I've been playing Halo games since Halo CE came out in the UK in 2002, and I played Halo 2 online from the start of 2006 till Halo 3's release. I'm merely putting forth my opinion and have no idea what the fuck you are on about about me trying to be Ensi. I've carved out my own niche of faggotry here and I'm comfortable in it.
"God tier" "This." "This." "This." "This." "This." "This." "This." "This."

Man I remember those old magazines...years before halo came out. It didnt turn out as good as the magazines promised :/
Thats pretty much always the case with games. They market it as if its going to be THE SHIT and have everything you could ever dream of, but in the end its just another boringd shooter that offers nothing new. Just the good old millions of 13 year olds who havent had their voices break yet.
"God tier" "This." "This." "This." "This." "This." "This." "This." "This."


Yeah, I may have picked up the phrase god tier from people on COBOT (WHICH INCLUDES ENSI OMG) but "god tier" and "This" are commonly used by millions of people on the internet, c'mon, that's weak.

And assuming I DID pick up both of those words from him, that's shitty grounds for your argument that I'm trying to be him.

This is shit and a waste of both our time, let's leave it here.
>Implying anything done or said on COBOT ever, in the history of COBOT has been anything but a waste of time :loco:
Bullshit. You have the fucking worst opinions ever.

Me and about 1,000,000,000 other people I guess.

Probably, but I can't deny playing Halo 2 online was probably one of the best gaming experiences of my youth. Xbox live was fucking epic at that time. I was 17 at the time and could waste hours getting high and playing massive CTF/Team Deathmatch games :D


Nostalgia does not make the game any better, Halo 2 was ingenious yes. But it is simply the older version of the more refined and expanded Halo Reach multiplayer, they function the same way, Reach is just more. Fuck you guys are your wank arse "oh so individual" opinions.

Okay, so usually I do take your opinion into alot of consideration since you seem like a pretty smart guy, but what you just said wasn't exactly the brightest thing I've ever heard. Anyone who has payed any attention to the actual game mechanics knows that they are very different by this point. For instance, the Battle Rifle in Halo 2 had no bullet time and instantly went to where you fired it, no questions asked. In 3, they added bullet time. They took bullet time out of Reach with the DMR, but it now has bloom, so there is often a good chance it won't go where you fire it exactly. Basically if you aim it at a wall from about 40 feet away and fire 2 rounds, it won't hit the same spot twice.

Next, Reach has jetpacks, sprinting, jetpacks, armor lock, jetpacks, and some more sprinting.

Fuck your shit, Swabs.

Halo 2 was THE BEST online console experience ever.

Even when the multiplayer got old, custom games were a ton of fun, as well as exploring the campaign, which was massive, and glitching out of the multiplayer maps and exploring them. Very stupid things to do it seems, but they were actually incredibly fun. CTF on Beaver Creek used to be fucking amazing, I don't care who you are.

Lastly, every map in Halo 2 was EPIC. Not one of them sucked. Reach and Halo 3 are plagued with more than a handful of shitty levels.

Yes Ensi, the operative word of that sentence being WAS.

The only reason WAS comes into play is because the servers aren't online anymore. If they were I can promise you I would play that game more online than just about any other FPS.

I can bet you if you put Halo 2 in right now and played it on LAN with a few of your friends you would most likely have more fun than you would in Reach.

*long post. I'm done*
I was a "play the campaign in co-op then throw it away" guy. Not really, multiplayer split screen when friends were over was cool, but I can't stand Xbox games online. The US sells it, you guys buy it.
Man I remember those old magazines...years before halo came out. It didnt turn out as good as the magazines promised :/

I remember when they said they were going to complete the Half-Life franchise, so they gave you a climactic mission to complete and even killed one of the main characters right in front of you...then it faded to black and 3 years later I've heard NOTHING of a new game.


Me and about 1,000,000,000 other people I guess.


Okay, so usually I do take your opinion into alot of consideration since you seem like a pretty smart guy, but what you just said wasn't exactly the brightest thing I've ever heard. Anyone who has payed any attention to the actual game mechanics knows that they are very different by this point. For instance, the Battle Rifle in Halo 2 had no bullet time and instantly went to where you fired it, no questions asked. In 3, they added bullet time. They took bullet time out of Reach with the DMR, but it now has bloom, so there is often a good chance it won't go where you fire it exactly. Basically if you aim it at a wall from about 40 feet away and fire 2 rounds, it won't hit the same spot twice.

Next, Reach has jetpacks, sprinting, jetpacks, armor lock, jetpacks, and some more sprinting.

Even when the multiplayer got old, custom games were a ton of fun, as well as exploring the campaign, which was massive, and glitching out of the multiplayer maps and exploring them. Very stupid things to do it seems, but they were actually incredibly fun. CTF on Beaver Creek used to be fucking amazing, I don't care who you are.

Lastly, every map in Halo 2 was EPIC. Not one of them sucked. Reach and Halo 3 are plagued with more than a handful of shitty levels.

The only reason WAS comes into play is because the servers aren't online anymore. If they were I can promise you I would play that game more online than just about any other FPS.

I can bet you if you put Halo 2 in right now and played it on LAN with a few of your friends you would most likely have more fun than you would in Reach.

*long post. I'm done*

Look how much shit you wrote arguing which game is best from the worst FPS franchise there has ever been. The fact you all had NOTHING ELSE TO PLAY ON XBOX does not make Halo a good game. The sequels are only successful, because if you don't buy the rest of them, you are admitting to the fact it was always shit in the first place.