Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

So- Me and my girlfriend have planned to cook at her place saturday night. Thought about to try something different.

So hit me with what you've got, a bangin' recipe but preferably not too much cheese in it. Meat, chicken, pasta- anything that has a exiting taste and needs some attention to cook.


If its not too hot up there for it, Stew. Chicken or Beef stew is really easy, its fucking awesome, and it involves wine, so you have an excuse to have a bunch of wine around... Pour a splash into the food, "oh well I opened the bottle might as well have some!"...always gets 'em.

Look up Beef Bourginon (spelling), classical french stew, super tasty.

I have to make a batch tomorrow morning for 240ppl :p.

Yes and there's nothing wrong with it.

Two starches? Nothing wrong? How dare you.

Sushi. Girls love it

This is true, but you should have the right tools for it, otherwise it will be trickey and you'll make yourself look like an ass.

You're an imbecile.

Two starches? Nothing wrong? How dare you.

How else are you supposed to have french fries, hm? As the ONLY starch? Sorry, wrong.

Anyone who hasn't tried the aforementioned dish should just shut up. It's not like other stuff are having a shortage of starches either: last I checked, burger + french fries + soda includes french fries and the bread. A taco salad has the... tacos. So, stop complaining and just try that shit because unlike the stuff you guys usually eat, it's actual food.
If its not too hot up there for it, Stew. Chicken or Beef stew is really easy, its fucking awesome, and it involves wine, so you have an excuse to have a bunch of wine around... Pour a splash into the food, "oh well I opened the bottle might as well have some!"...always gets 'em.

Look up Beef Bourginon (spelling), classical french stew, super tasty.

I have to make a batch tomorrow morning for 240ppl :p.

This is true, but you should have the right tools for it, otherwise it will be trickey and you'll make yourself look like an ass.

Sounds like a plan, not to much for wine but can think i could manage it when involved in cooking. Will check it up!
EDIT: Found a recipe for it (The Beef Bourginon that is) in swedish also. Have no trouble getting along with english but it's always easier. Contained rump steak, wine and some bacon etc

So it is.. she've said a couple of times that we should get sushi but I've turned it down every time- going to let the resturant do the job when I'm trying it on,
Two starches?

There's three starches in that combo.

I see nothing wrong with it either, you just have small servings of each.

If you want a quick meal go the stir fry.

All you need is a fry pan, whatever meat strips you want (you can marinate them beforehand if you wish) and slice up whatever veg is in season, onion, capsicum, mushrooms, broccoli, snow peas, etc.

Stagger the additions depending on how long they take to cook.

If you don't marinate the meat you can add a commercial sauce to the mix if you want.

You can also cook up some rice or even rice and beans OMG 2 starches!!!! and create a bed to lay the stir fry on.
