Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

That's like Ovaltine but made with poo, ya?



In Canada, French fries are the main component of a dish called 'poutine' french for "a mess": a mixture of French fries with fresh cheese curds (sometimes rasped cheese), covered with a hot gravy

In Canada, French fries are the main component of a dish called 'poutine' french for "a mess":

Gawd, it looked like someone messed all over that. :lol:

a mixture of French fries with fresh cheese curds (sometimes rasped cheese), covered with a hot gravy

French fries and cheese???

Hang on, gravy and french fries?!?!?!? ..... THAT'S TWO STARCHES!!!!


It's something I'll have to try before I can judge.

Hang on, gravy and french fries?!?!?!? ..... THAT'S TWO STARCHES!!!!

The main component to Gravy is Stock, a small amount of starch is simply used to thicken it (and the starch has to be mixed into a liquid or fat first anyway.)

I'd hardly consider gravy a starch.

And yeah, poutine is huge here, as well as in New York now apparently.
Saw these clips on reddit and thought they were kind of cute :) Don't know where to post them. Fuck you, I'll post them right here.

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Also, the iphone is outdated right now. I'm not waiting for the iphone 5 to come out to buy a cellphone.

And when it does come out, it'll probably be annoyingly drm'd, itunes and all that apple shit. Thanks but no thanks.
Yes but some of us actually have bosses, co-workers, or various other people we need to talk to, where sending sms or msn conversations would be inappropriate.

I know "fuck apple" and so on and its a fact that the iphone is fuckin expensive but I dont get it..Its not like its a horrible device when it comes to calling people, at least I have no problem with it :D