Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Galaxy S2 or HTC Sensation?

Galaxy S2, no question.

I know "fuck apple" and so on and its a fact that the iphone is fuckin expensive but I dont get it..Its not like its a horrible device when it comes to calling people, at least I have no problem with it :D

If you want a device to call and text people you don't need to shell out 500 bucks though...:err:
And while it is ridiculously close between the two devices, we think the Galaxy S2 is the overall winner, thanks to its combination of improved connectivity, slimmer chassis and superbly clear and bold screen.

That means there's some question about it. Is there any particular reason why you'd said that? I mean, you probably googled that review but I can do that myself. I'm more looking for personal opinions.
Im too drunk and too high to read up on whats going on.
seems to be lee yan doro wants to buy a phone

im going to use this time to unsoberly rant about how much blackberrys suck.



They have shitty games they freeze up like crazy. my ex gf gave me her toarch, it was an ass, but it was better than the 2001 phone i have now.

I want an Iphone so i can play tiny wings.
That means there's some question about it. Is there any particular reason why you'd said that? I mean, you probably googled that review but I can do that myself. I'm more looking for personal opinions.

There's no question for me personally. I had googled the reviews before I got my new cell recently and I also had the chance to try both of them. SII just felt better for me. Just go and look which one fulfills your needs the best - As the review pointed out it's a tight race.

wait... lol

Samsung Galaxy S II (i9100) DualCore Smartphone
EUR 483,89

That isnt that cheap too, right? :lol:

Sorry, my bad - iPhone 4 is 572,50€ now (Source: http://geizhals.at/538203). I think the price for the S2 is more than justified because of its features though.
TL;DR: Smartphones aren't cheap, no matter what brand but who gets a smartphone without a contract anyway?

Yep I want a phone, left mine back home and now I want a super awesome one.

Also, I typed my password into the MSN and Facebook app, they never worked, so I just never touched them again (my plan wasnt set up for a smart phone). So when I gave my ex her phone back, she went immediately into my e-mail and facebook :/

And on that note. This crazy bitch is stalking me D:. Waits for hours outside my house for me. Will randomly call me at 2:30am, and proceed to call 20 more times if I dont answer (2-3 txts between each call). Now reading my e-mail :/

but damn, the phone was alright :/
^That explains why you hate blackberry :S

Not that they're good or anything.

There's no question for me personally. I had googled the reviews before I got my new cell recently and I also had the chance to try both of them. SII just felt better for me. Just go and look which one fulfills your needs the best - As the review pointed out it's a tight race.

Yeah, I am trying to find a place where I can try both. North Americans, help me out here. Maybe best buy?

Also, both the sensation and the galaxy s2 are $199 with the contract. Not the cheapest phone ever, but over two years it'll be so diluted it won't even matter.