Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Anyone who hasn't tried the aforementioned dish should just shut up. It's not like other stuff are having a shortage of starches either: last I checked, burger + french fries + soda includes french fries and the bread. A taco salad has the... tacos. So, stop complaining and just try that shit because unlike the stuff you guys usually eat, it's actual food.

How pissed off can someone get in a discussion about food (with different people from all over the world who naturally have all different tastes and are used to a different selection of food)? First you hate on mr. Tofu, no you're protecting the marriage of rice n fries.What's next?

Dont want to know what you expect us to eat if rice, meat n french fries (which sounds like something you get from a mexican fast food restaurant for 3 €) is the actual holy food?
How pissed off can someone get in a discussion about food (with different people from all over the world who naturally have all different tastes and are used to a different selection of food)? First you hate on mr. Tofu, no you're protecting the marriage of rice n fries.What's next?

Dont want to know what you expect us to eat if rice, meat n french fries (which sounds like something you get from a mexican fast food restaurant for 3 €) is the actual holy food?

No, you can't get it from a mexican restaurant because it's not mexican food. You just prove my point. My quarrel here is with the ignorance of you idiots hating on something you've never tried, not with food taste.

Also, your implication that price has any correlation with taste is... baffling. French gourmet food generally tastes like shit yet it's priced somewhat comparably to gold, and even the stuff you get from a fast food restaurant will be much better.
No, you can't get it from a mexican restaurant because it's not mexican food. You just prove my point. My quarrel here is with the ignorance of you idiots hating on something you've never tried, not with food taste.

Seriously man, chill down - No reason to get personal with people about such a thing. I tried meals with two starches and it's just not my kind of thing. Period.

Also, your implication that price has any correlation with taste is... baffling. French gourmet food generally tastes like shit yet it's priced somewhat comparably to gold, and even the stuff you get from a fast food restaurant will be much better.

There's one thing you didn't consider here: Observer bias - It's hard to objectively discuss such things as food in general because everyone's used to different environments and requirements to the food, no matter if it's taste- or nutrient content-wise.
You guys eat french fries and bread together.
That's technically two starches.

So why are you guys bitching about how people eat french fries and rice together?
It's like a 5 year old saying "eeewwww!" to a dish they've never tried. In other words, it's fucking immature.
No, you can't get it from a mexican restaurant because it's not mexican food. You just prove my point. My quarrel here is with the ignorance of you idiots hating on something you've never tried, not with food taste.

Also, your implication that price has any correlation with taste is... baffling. French gourmet food generally tastes like shit yet it's priced somewhat comparably to gold, and even the stuff you get from a fast food restaurant will be much better.

maaannn, dude...
1. Mexican fast restaurant in Berlin is what I should have said..And you get that stuff here even at the low cost mexican restaurants. We live in quite different places I guess, and my experience is that cheaper food isnt bad or not as good as expensive food but that combination sounds like the stuff you get for a few euros. And most fuckin mex restaurant here sell rice & meat with everything calling it mexican.
The only thing I really made fun of it is the fact that you're putting french fries in an ''omg awesome food'' light. Most (dumb) people say its just (bad)fast food.
2. I didnt say I wouldnt like it, indeed, as I'm loving french fries (maybe my fav food)I would totally eat that and I even ate that combination before.
3. I didnt say that high price equals good food but again you start arguing about taste which is blatantly dumb. I bet there are a lot of people who prefer french gourmet stuff over mc donalds shit and arent even lying about that ( well of course some people say they prefer gourmet stuff because its "cooler").
And well I dont know about food prices in your country but I live in a city where can get quiet cheap food but you gotta take a look at the quality or you gotta know the places where its cheap AND good.Of course the quality can suffer if you save money for the ingredients etc ;) My parents are always looking at me like I was some bum when I tell them about me eating a 1,20 curry wurst or a 2,50 döner.

still :lol: wat a fag, getting pissed off about a food's taste.
As I said, it's not mexican food, in Berlin or anywhere else. There's no point in you arguing over this. I know of only one place in the planet where you can get that particular combination in the "awesome food" light. NEXT.

And also as I said, I'm not getting pissed off at the taste. I'm pissed off at how you people will hate on something you've absolutely never tried.
And also as I said, I'm not getting pissed off at the taste. I'm pissed off at how you people will hate on something you've absolutely never tried.

and call other ppl imbeciles cause they find a ceratin combination of food gross?
Im used to different selection of food, for me combination of rice+beans+french fries sound grossand like smth people eat in order to fill their stomachs for small amounts of money.
So, hating on something you never tried. Therefore, imbecile.

I've never tried sodomy but I can imagine from taking large dumps it'd be painful. :lol:

Seriously, you fags are arguing about rice, beans & fries?

I've tried all three and as a combination probably not something I'd eat but I'm sure it could be made palatable.

I recall getting weird looks at school when I'd take a bite of an apple in between bites of a sandwich - the sandwich was a bit dry and I can't see it any different to taking a drink between bites but there's always someone wanting to rip shit on something different.







Just to clarify, the rice and beans are a combination and the french fries are a side. It's not rocket science really.

Why are you acting like rice and french fries create a delectable combination of flavours when combines on one plate?

Its just a lot of filling food is all.