Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Hope you took your kangaroo out for a walk before it shits on your carpet.

This is what happened to him the last time he shit on my carpet.


Then I bought






That's too bad, but if you're a big sausage fan you should try this stuff when you're in germany

I dont like Matjesbrötchen because I dont like fish thats it

I like fish but have a bit of an allergy to crustaceans, sometimes I get an uncomfortable tingling or itch in my palate and tongue.

Someone else I know doesn't eat them saying they're the insects of the sea ... and he's probably right. :lol:

They are, though there really is nothing wrong with eating insects other than the social taboo of it all. They're clean, and fairly healthy too.

I also really dislike a strong fishy taste or smell. Salmon and snapper I'll eat as sashimi or cooked. Cod, tuna, tillapia, mahi mahi (most tropical fish in general), are nice when cooked well.
So, my college decided to re-lose my immunization records for the second semester in a row, resulting in all my classes being dropped and a hold being placed on my account. This hold appeared THE DAY BEFORE CLASSES. Now, I get to run around and get them extra copies, remove the hold, and RE-REGISTER for all my classes. That is, if I can get back into them.


did you tell them you was part of the cob hate crew
I did, and I told them they're ruining our weekly mini-golf adventure by fucking up my schedule.

Fear not, Newt Raper! It was a blessing in disguise, and I got an even better schedule! Now we can whack golf balls and touch each other at our leisure.

On Mondays or Tuesdays.

is this going to happen under the windmill or in the clowns head

oh and what's the password to get in
So, my college decided to re-lose my immunization records for the second semester in a row, resulting in all my classes being dropped and a hold being placed on my account.

They don't let you start unless you're immunised?

They're afraid you might bite the other students?

So glad I don't live in a country with rabies.

