Isn't Spiderman now Hispanic?
Movie casting agents are also nuts, seriously, Seth Rogan? .... a fat Jewish superhero? ... WTF?!
Green Hornet was Seth Rogan's movie.
Unrelated note.
I think this is the first day in maybe 4-5 years since I've not smoked weed or a cigarette. Probably one of the worst feelings ever, I can't believe you people deal with this every day, and I see no long term advantages to this torture. Spent the day wandering around town. Turns out 1/4" cable is the rarest commodity known to man and I can't find it anywhere without taking a 20minute bus ride.
Also had the most interesting battery purchase ever. Small computer/tech store down the street, Chinese owner, son is at the front desk, ask if they have a pack of AAA batteries. The son looks really confused, and is like "uhh what is it for!?"... Instead of just telling him, for some reason I react with a "What does that matter... do you have them!?"... He starts telling me he needs to know what device its for... I guess he's thinking I want a battery pack or something... I see them behind him on a rack and just grab them. "theeese, Batteriessss"
"Ohh, okay.... " he then mutters softly to himself "so how much.." as hes looking at the package.
Yells something in chinese to his dad at the back of the store... the dad kinda chuckles. shrugs, and responds in chinese (as expected).
Son turns to me "$5?" as if it was a question....
"Nope... $2"
"uhh they are $5,"
"No they are not, you asked your dad how much they are and he said he didn't know, charge whatever... so if you are just making up prices.. $2"
Basically this is him walking to the cash register...
Never been so pumped up over AAA batteries. Next store I went to they would have cost me like $6 :O
Fiending for a smoke, 1/4" cable quest fail, Convinced a store I speak Chinese and haggle like a boss.