Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Isn't Spiderman now Hispanic?

Movie casting agents are also nuts, seriously, Seth Rogan? .... a fat Jewish superhero? ... WTF?!


Green Hornet was Seth Rogan's movie.

Unrelated note.
I think this is the first day in maybe 4-5 years since I've not smoked weed or a cigarette. Probably one of the worst feelings ever, I can't believe you people deal with this every day, and I see no long term advantages to this torture. Spent the day wandering around town. Turns out 1/4" cable is the rarest commodity known to man and I can't find it anywhere without taking a 20minute bus ride.

Also had the most interesting battery purchase ever. Small computer/tech store down the street, Chinese owner, son is at the front desk, ask if they have a pack of AAA batteries. The son looks really confused, and is like "uhh what is it for!?"... Instead of just telling him, for some reason I react with a "What does that matter... do you have them!?"... He starts telling me he needs to know what device its for... I guess he's thinking I want a battery pack or something... I see them behind him on a rack and just grab them. "theeese, Batteriessss"

"Ohh, okay.... " he then mutters softly to himself "so how much.." as hes looking at the package.
Yells something in chinese to his dad at the back of the store... the dad kinda chuckles. shrugs, and responds in chinese (as expected).
Son turns to me "$5?" as if it was a question....

"Nope... $2"
"uhh they are $5,"
"No they are not, you asked your dad how much they are and he said he didn't know, charge whatever... so if you are just making up prices.. $2"

Basically this is him walking to the cash register...



Never been so pumped up over AAA batteries. Next store I went to they would have cost me like $6 :O

Fiending for a smoke, 1/4" cable quest fail, Convinced a store I speak Chinese and haggle like a boss.
Only you Cliff, only you... lol. Still an interesting read never the less.

For those who care (which is probably next to no one) I'm trying to get my art business up and going and I'm in the process of building myself a not shitty PC so I can do just that. I'm not asking anything of anyone here other than that if you like my art then pass it along. I'm not mindblowingly good, nor do I have alot up at the moment, but I hope you guys will enjoy anyways.

Flame away nao :/

Thank you man, I greatly appreciate it. I'll be putting up wayyyy more stuff here in the next few weeks and hopefully it will be better than anything I've put up so far.
There're some pretty good pieces!

I really like the ones in the Miscellanous Art folder, especially the "Bleeding Dark" one is very interesting.

The "Spawn semi-custom" in your old and irrelevant folder just looks as good, must've taken a lot of time because of the many details.

Favourite one would be "Washed Out" - don't know why but I can't get my eyes off it.

Keep on your good work
Thank you. The Spawn picture took me about 2 days of almost completely sitting at a desk I think.

The other 2 you'd mentioned aren't really done, but they were in a decent enough state to where I put them up anyways. I'll get around to finishing them eventually.

I'm glad you guys are enjoying them though. I'm trying to get this stuff going and hopefully make a little bit of money so I can buy a better PC than what I have now and get stuff done much easier. The PC I'm currently using has a 1.5ghz processor and 2gb of Ram... Needless to say, getting work done on it is so beyond tedious that it's too much trouble sometimes to even bother.

I'm trying to start a fundraiser thing to get myself a new one built but it's going next to nowhere. Hopefully things will pick up here soon.
Green Hornet was Seth Rogan's movie.

A-ha, it was a case of, if you don't make me the star I'm taking my cricket bat and going home.

I think this is the first day in maybe 4-5 years since I've not smoked weed or a cigarette. Probably one of the worst feelings ever, I can't believe you people deal with this every day, and I see no long term advantages to this torture.

You'll feel better after a few days and obvious, advantages is obvious.

Seriously the ciggies are the worst, if you mull your weed with 'baccy (LMAO) start reducing the amount, I know of non-smokers who started craving pot more after mixing, turns out they were craving the nicotine.

You think you need a cigarette to reduce your stress and find it works too, the truth is the nicotine cravings are causing you to feel stressed. I've heard lots of people say how less stressful everything is after they quit. No more stressing out every hour or so.

A-ha, it was a case of, if you don't make me the star I'm taking my cricket bat and going home.

You'll feel better after a few days and obvious, advantages is obvious.

Seriously the ciggies are the worst, if you mull your weed with 'baccy (LMAO) start reducing the amount, I know of non-smokers who started craving pot more after mixing, turns out they were craving the nicotine.

You think you need a cigarette to reduce your stress and find it works too, the truth is the nicotine cravings are causing you to feel stressed. I've heard lots of people say how less stressful everything is after they quit. No more stressing out every hour or so.


I rarely smoke ciggs, In fact most tobacco I get is from my friends who mix it into their weed. I don't, but I'm very when-in-rome. Ciggs I find will relax me though, at work I will smoke one on very very stressfull days only... Like today when I spent 3 hours decorating plates only for the chef to send them flying off the loading dock.

26 plates shatterd and broken, all 40 plates were messed up. Not good when the plates themselves cost $20... This was after the Mashed potato I didn't make wasn't good enough and I had to do it again... but still before our server took a tray of Main courses and dropped them all over the serving area. ($450 a head dinner service too).


Also I liked the Art page...
Your cover picture is incredible. Really like the colours. had any schooling/training? I suggest doing so if you want to continue, good chance you'll learn nothing you couldn't pick up on google, but douchebags tend to take you more seriously that way, and douchebags have all the money.

The one called "Ulver" looks a little weird though, like half frustrated half disappointing. Its like hes watching wolf cubs fail at hunting and responding with "...really?"
:lol: @ the Ulver bit. Yes, I need to fix that one up actually, I'm not really satisfied with it yet. I'm glad you enjoyed them though.

I've never actually had any training or anything with drawing, I've kind of just picked all of it up from trying to imitate what I see and after doing that with so many different artists I guess I somewhat came up with my own style. I agree completely about the school thing. It's the same with music. You can learn pretty much all you want to on the internet but unless a piece of paper says otherwise, it doesn't count for much :/

The school I want to go to is like 50k and it's in Singapore.


I've followed this guys art style for almost 10 years now and I guess a few years ago he finally started getting bigger jobs with game companies and was able to open his own school and all sorts of stuff. His stuff is amazingly good.
Can't seem to find your page.

Also, yeah, I don't see any good reason for people to smoke at all. I think it's disgusting as it is. The smell, the taste. I really don't understand how people can get addicted to something like that, or anything for that matter. I've tried a handful of things that most people would claim are addictive but maybe I just have strong willpower or something.

It's not even just cigarettes either. I've stopped drinking soda and eating alot of fast food and that in conjunction with jogging and frequent exercise, I feel great most of the time. I'm not an olympian by any means, but it's been a big help to me. I don't feel like shit waking up in the morning (morning being around 7am-ish) everyday and I don't have the urge to really stay up all night doing nothing anymore.

I tried getting addicted to cigarettes, it didn't work. I felt too disgusted and if anything I'm a lot less likely to ever smoke them again. Coffee is pretty much the only thing I'm addicted to now. I tried making it through the day without it earlier this week, failed at around 5 pm. Having woken up at like 11 am. Shit.

By the way, that cover page IS awesome. Damn, beautiful colors.
I don't like coffee. I thought it would be one of those things I'd develop a taste for as I got older but I haven't :/ I don't think I have anything in particular that I'm addicted to. I do drink quite a bit of those Arizona fruit punch things though. Probably isn't real juice at all, but I still like it. Same with Simply Lemonade and Simply Limeade. Holy fuck that stuff is good, but it's too costly to buy all the time...

And thank you. I feel like it needs alot more work personally. It's almost like a birthday cake that got sculpted into mountains in my opinion lol. I'll go back and fix it up eventually.
I've tried a handful of things that most people would claim are addictive but maybe I just have strong willpower or something.

It's definitely to do with brain chemicals, addictive personality, culture, etc. and from what I've noticed there seems to be a correlation between education. Most of the hooligans I knew that left school early smoked, very few I knew that went to university smoked.

I also tried cigs but it just never stuck, did drugs for a few years and it was addictive at times but I eventually grew out of it.

Coffee was never my thing but after reading a cup a day actually has health benefits I started drinking it but only black and without sugar. Working at a PC all day I tend to drink a few cups to relieve the boredom, at home on weekends I don't have a craving for it.

It was more of a social thing/drunk thing.

What used to piss me off no end was having a girlfriend that smoked, the amount of guys that would constantly come up and try bum a cigarette off her as a means to crack on to her was just relentless. She'd go off for a fag, I'd turn my back for a second to look around and there'd always be some guy choofing away chatting her up. :bah:

In my teens girls would approach asking if I had a spare cigarette, my reply, 'sorry I don't smoke'. Smokers weren't my type so I wasn't really interested and the amount of hot chicks that smoked pissed me off too. Asking for a cig is a great opener and it'd piss me off how non-smoking chicks can't just approach you to ask for something.

Actually, I do miss a visible reason to people watch around campus. It's way more conspicuous staring at people when you aren't outside for any real reason.

Do you have night vision goggles?

i thought smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee was a cool image even though i didn't like either of them, so one night i asked a friend for a smoke to smoke later, i went for a walk, took like 3-4 puffs, didn't like it so i threw it on the ground, (HAHA threw it on the ground) then i told myself '' what am i doing, this isn't for me '' even though i find some stuff cool, it doesn't mean it's for me

cigarettes are so stupid

i hate people that are against weed but are fine with alcohol and cigarettes
i thought smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee was a cool image even though i didn't like either of them, so one night i asked a friend for a smoke to smoke later, i went for a walk, took like 3-4 puffs, didn't like it so i threw it on the ground, (HAHA threw it on the ground) then i told myself '' what am i doing, this isn't for me '' even though i find some stuff cool, it doesn't mean it's for me

cigarettes are so stupid

i hate people that are against weed but are fine with alcohol and cigarettes

Kids think the most retarded shit is cool. All my friends smoke, and all my coworkers smoke.

I go to a house party, one person goes for a smoke 2/3 the house goes outside too. Go to a bar, one smoke, the entire table gets up. At work, one person goes out for break everyone clears the kitchen to get a smoke, and if I don't use that time to go out myself I don't get a break...

So generally all day I'm around smokers smoking. I would take my breaks inside... but I've never seen the break room at work. Its a 5 minute walk, 10miinutes for some of the older workers... when we get 15 minute breaks and 30 minute lunches... kinda makes no sense to use this room... one chef has been there 15 years and has never seen it. You don't have to have a University education, to work at one. :/