Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

this pic is way more sexy than an olympic athlete

copypasta from my post on ss.org:

Got my GCSE results today (for the non-UKers, essentially a GED equivalent (?!) but I'm not sure as to what extent the GED has on your university choices/offers, GCSEs have a BIG impact on that). Basically, important-ass exams you take when you're sixteen.

edit: been told that GCSES is more similar to ACT/SAT than GED, but yeah

Got 3 A*s, 6 As and a B (might change to 4 A*s and 5 As cause my school is discussing results with the exam board). Not quite as well as my lofty goal of 7 A*s but still a result I'm happy with.

Best of all, I made a pact with my dad close to 18 months ago that if I did well enough he'd help me cover the cost of buying a custom 8-string. Oooohhhhhhh yeah.

females are supposed to be squishy
see what i posted here

quote from this thread you linked

monoxide child, something you've done in the past has totally vaporised your cognitive ability, so just give up and stop posting.


The first comment. Holy fuck I lol'd so god damned hard :lol::lol::lol:

"Sometimes at home, when everyone is sound asleep, I like to fill my bathtub with marinara sauce. Then, I submerge myself completely in the sauce, and pretend that I'm a meatball."
copypasta from my post on ss.org:

GED = General Education Diploma. Its what you get for completing highschool, then you move on to University or College.

Though, I think that's what you get if you don't graduate high school on time, and finish later on in life. We have something like that in Canada, which is kinda bullshit, you always have that stain on your record. Though, being from Canada, I don't actually know how those Yanks do shit down there. Anyway, grats... you passed the_emptifier in age.
Well basically you get your GCSEs and then can either go into work full-time, or apply to university, who will then give you offers based on your GCSEs (and the subsequent A-level exams will determine whether you actually get in). I think that provided you get them all you don't ever have to re-sit (unless you want to, or if you want to later on go into something that requires a higher level of knowledge/better grades than the ones you got).

But yeah, cheers dude, at this point I'm officially old enough to drink, marry, fuck, work full-time and buy a lawnmower.

Driving's next year though.

Feels nice that when I started the courses for these exams my grades were in a lazy-ass slump, I was unfit as fuck with an awful physique, I was pretty bad at guitar and my confidence around people (esp. girls) was a bit... not introverted or shy, but a bit off.

Whereas now I'm acing exams, I'm fit, aesthetic (people who used to laugh at me ask me for gym/diet tips now lolololol), I shred it up daily and I'm confident as all hell.
