Let's talk about things that happened in 1983

i think it was in 1983 that this girl Alicia Zaborowski peed herself while we were saying the Hail Mary and the puddle soaked Luis Cardona's lunch and the teacher ripped off the wet part of the sandwich and told him he could eat the dry part.
October, 1983: Chupe, whilst playing tether ball at recess, is given a gravel dusting by one Mindy Best upon her realizing that her feelings of amity (toward 3rd grader chupe) were not returned. Mindy's best friend Sandy Coffman, who witnessed this, fervently tossed gravel as well.
February 24Tennessee Williams, US playwright (Cat on a Hot Tin Roof), dies at 71
February 25John Cowles Sr, US publisher, dies at 84
February 25Tennessee Williams, writer (Streetcar Named Desire), dies at 71

I can't believe both Tennessee Williamses died the same year on the same day.
February 22Christina E "Christine" Auwen, singer/wife of John Kelly, dies at 75

I've heard of some crazy nicknames before, but this one takes the cake.