Life's best experience.


New Metal Member
Oct 5, 2005
Would be for someone to erase their memory, listen to Opeth for the "first time", get into it, and repeat! Remember when you first got into Opeth? Yes, the music is still amazing and I listen to it every day, but it's hard to forget how amazed you were when you first heard Opeth. For me, the first time I heard Opeth was "Bleak".
my "life's best experience" would be falling in love for the first and only time, for real.

Drapery Falls was my first Opeth song, and it got me hooked, but it still can't top that...
Okay maybe not lifes BEST! But still amazing.

You know, I really haven't even fallen in love either. Damn.
Wreath was my first ever Opeth song.

I heard it, thought it was good, but that was it.

After hearing about them at a forum, I got Still Life *Which was said to be their best one* - That got me hooked.
Kenneth R. said:
my "life's best experience" would be falling in love for the first and only time, for real.
Been there twice....agreed. Although the ensuing shite bits that lead to break up's = life's worst experience if you ask me. Well, actually, no, my brother died so that was worse, but anyone who's gone through the whole love/violent regurgitation cycle will know what I mean.

My first Opeth song was The Leper Affinity. Actually, I listened to BWP all the way through as my first Opeth experience. that was nearly 3 years ago, and I'm still not sure if my jaw is totally off the floor yet :)
Liquid Diamonds said:
Been there twice....agreed. Although the ensuing shite bits that lead to break up's = life's worst experience if you ask me. Well, actually, no, my brother died so that was worse, but anyone who's gone through the whole love/violent regurgitation cycle will know what I mean.

My first Opeth song was The Leper Affinity. Actually, I listened to BWP all the way through as my first Opeth experience. that was nearly 3 years ago, and I'm still not sure if my jaw is totally off the floor yet :)

Sorry about your brother.

Yes I agree that the break up with someone loved would probably be horrible, even though I've never been there. How newb am I...
Not at all man. Everyone has to be there for a first time. Everyone sees my age and says 'bullshit, you never felt like that, you don't even know what that is', but they're wrong. Adult, real love is something that isn't definable by age, and everyone finds it at their own pace.
And my bro was a long time ago, so what really bothers me is that I never really got the chance to know him as an adult (he was much older than me, you see). Pisses me off...
Thank you very much for your condolences though, it's much appreciated :)

The first time i heard about opeth was on the LoG board. i d/l a couple of songs from limewire. They were Deliverence, BWP, and Patterns in the Ivy 2. i was hooked immediately. i went out the next day and bought four of their cds.

I can remember thinking..."i've never heard songs this long before!!!"
When I first heard Blackwater Park, it didn't hit me like some grand revelation. I thought 'hey, this isn't bad' but then it progressively grew on me.

All eras of Opeth grew on me at different rates. I think the last 'era' I got into was the MAYH and Still Life one, and once I did, the 'click' was of gigantic proportions.

I usually find that the longer something takes for me to appreciate, that the longer I will be appreciating it.

About the whole love thing, yeah it sucks. I thought my last thing was a simple crush, but yet I feel the same way about the girl, almost 5 years later! Not really sure what's worse. Bad break-ups or unrequited love (denial from the get-go).
Teh moment for me was listening to "When" back in '99 or so.... I though... yeah, this is cool!!! that guy can scream!!!... then the song stopped ... then came "and i criiiiiiiiiiiiied, i knew she had lieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed" and i just wet my pants, the best stuff i'd never heard... and i'm a fan since then.... definitely one of the best experiences of my life!
Getting into Opeth was pretty cool, but my epiphanies about Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd's song Echoes in particular, and Porcupine Tree were even better.

But yeah, nothing is like the magic of getting into a band for the first time. The music is just intensely powerful magic that never affects you again as strongly as it does at first.
The drapery falls hooked me... To my surprise I only enjoyed the clean parts. It took me awhile to get into the Death Vocals although I was already into Death Metal...
Nah, totally disagree. Good music, gets better over time.

On the other hand, watching my favourite movies again for the first time (in particular, comedies) would kick some serious arse. Comedies like:
Hercules Returns
Pretty much any Eddie Murphy or Damon Wayans movie
Don't be a Menace to South Central While Drinkin your Juice in the Hood
Happy Gilmore / Billy Madison

Bah, I'm sure I have forgotten most of them, but you get the point.
Well , can't say I've ever been in love , so discovering the music of Opeth is as close as I've come ! First album was Damnation - and I was like "Hey , aren't they supposed to be a metal band ?" :loco: I loved it , though . Then Blackwater Park came to my attention and that was that . I immediately went out and scooped up every Opeth album I could find and I love them all ! Greatest fucking band EVER !!! Thinking about getting the O tattoo'd on me...