Life's simple pleasures


Feb 20, 2005
There are some things in life that just grant me endless satisfaction and put a smile on my face - for example:

- Closing kitchen drawers by pelvic-thrusting them
- Saying "Hi, Gene!" whenever anyone says "hygeine"
- Shredding the RIFFZ (of course, but especially when I'm improvising over a song and just making all sorts of contorted music orgasm faces which fully reflect my state of euphoria)
- Writing a riff, layering something else over it, putting drums under it, and then sitting back and listening to how fucking awesome it is
- Putting on a t-shirt straight out of the dryer (on a cold day of course)
- Taking a phantom dump (where, after inspecting the first wipe, you discover there's no trace of dump on it, so your task is complete)
- When working a landscaping job, waking up at your time of rising to the wonderful sound of pouring rain on the roof

Those are just a few that come to mind; always good to count one's blessings though! :D Let's hear yours! (the goofier/stupider the better :lol: )

EDIT: And of course, that awesome adrenaline/testosterone rush from listening to some seriously heavy metalz (no one gets my blood flowing like Behemoth :headbang: )
Nothing gets my blood flowing like Behemoth either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :D

I was just in my car listening to 'No Compromise' by The Haunted, and my god...that songs destroys.

Let me think...simple pleasures...aside from playing loud valve amps and anything guitar related.
- Driving anywhere that isn't congested by tonnes of traffic, and just being able to sit back, enjoy the landscape and listen to tunes.
- Biting into a toasted sandwich made with a variety of ingredients, byt the most important of which being cheese.
- Watching steaks on the barbecue, listening to steaks on the barbecue, and cutting into a steak after it's been properly cook and well rested, to find the perfect amount of pink in the center.
- Screwing the top off an ice cold beer and seeing the mist come out the top of the bottle.
- Sipping whiskey and other alcoholic beverages on cold nights - especially Drambuie. I love that shit!
- The knowledge that the addition of gravy to most meals makes them better.
- Having competitions with my friends to see who can kill the most zombies in a Left 4 Dead campaign.
- Gaining amazing amounts of satisfaction from wearing my favourite pair of pants and going as long as I can without washing them - they were my Dad's when he was at uni, and they're these totally awesome warm cargo pants.
- Asking people at Hungry Jacks (Burger King) to replace the 'fries' with my meal to 'onion rings', and instead of being soggy they're REALLY crispy!

I'm sure I could think of many more but I can't be bothered at the moment. :lol:
Remembering my goddamned passwords, simple cocktails, good food, scaring children, having a program or an electronic device work on first test, waking up and realizing that there are enough good books near the point of collapse to make any large movements unnecessary...

smoke n walk n talks
those days when any music you listen to hits you like an emotional freight train
festival burgers: grease, onions, ketchup, fuck yes
marlboro reds
good weed
a nice apple cider after a smoke during a summers sunset
david lynch seshes
facebook status carnage
those days where you have nothing you need to be doing, so you resort to copious masturbation
any combination of the above at 4am in the morning
a shower after an all nighter, even better if it was a depressed all nighter. showers are good as fuck for the soul.

i am going to die at such a young age, goddamn
Hearing the words "Are you done yet?".
Stiffing a pin from 170 out (golf talk)
Standing in front of the mirror with my 7 string warlock. Pure metal!
Having a toucher, (lawn bowls talk)
Purchasing musical equipment ............. aaahhhhhhh!
Smashing a 300m drive (golf talk again)
Playing in front of an audience.
Writing a riff from hell.
Getting a Marshall 1960 a cab for nothing after purchasing a rack unit that was sitting on top of the cab, and the store assistant grabbing the cab to take out to my car, thinking the rack and the cab were together.
and pissing in other peoples shower! FUCK YEAH!
Pissing in the shower is quite nice... of course, after taking steps to ensure that piss and feet don't come into contact.
Handrolled cigarettes.
Good gin, cold vodka, and scotch.
Seeing a nice curve in something nearby... and knowing exactly how to reproduce it on a graphing device.
Recording a guitar track and not feeling the need to tweak it at all.
Going days without sleep and not feeling tired.
Going days without having to drive... or even leave the apartment.
Making popcorn the *right* way (steel bowl with oil, finely-ground salt, and kernels, covered with foil and placed over a burner for a few minutes) and getting 8 times as much popcorn (by volume) as I started with.

-Writing some orchestral arrangements for a simple guitar/drums base I've previously done, with lots of violins surrounding the central melody. So epic.
-Recording/Mixing a good song and realising it's sounding fucking awesome.
-That dump situation Marcus described before :lol:
-My mum's meals :lol:
-The sound of brand new strings.
-My duvet.
being able to eat ridiculously hot chili while only huffing and puffing a bit while everyone else is crying their eyes out, oh the satisfactionnnnn
mine and marcus' chats at 5am on msn while he's stoned, funny shit.
props for making this topic, some positivity is just what i needed tonight

adding another:
the yearly watch of the band of brothers boxset! i am currently re-watching Extras again, and I'm feeling in the mood for watching band of brothers again already, and it's only been a few months.
finding money you forgot about in some jeans you wore the other day.
ice water after strenuous physical labor.
playing a game with your friends and totally kicking their ass.
trying some new food, and really liking it.
randomly finding something you thought you lost along time ago.
showing off something you just bought.
doing something all by yourself for the first time.
taking an unexpected nap on the couch.
The sound of a Dual Rectifier through a Mesa OS cab turned up enough to get a nice woody resonance from the cabinet and shake the floor.

That, and a killer burrito made with sour cream and guacamole. :)