Lioness's Jaxx Diaries, Chapter 616, May 7th. 2006

eaeolian said:
Other than my amp coming unplugged from the power outlet during the first song

Thanks to Jaxx's always stellar monitor mix, I didn't even notice...until I leaned over the railing and only heard me in FOH. :spin:

To the girl in the Division shirt in the front row during Nevermore's entire set...I thank you. :D

Oh, and since Karen was posting her fangirl pics, here are my fanboy pics. :lol:

My fiance, Dawn, and I with Jeff. I tried so hard to not smile:

Dawn also snagged a setlist and pick at the end of the night:


We in Division send our condolences out to all the ladies who wish to get to know our drummer better:
noodlesatf said:
We in Division send our condolences out to all the ladies who wish to get to know our drummer better:

LOL I had caught a joke or two before from Mike before the show, but then I saw you wearing that shirt and I was like "well, I guess he really must be gay then" :lol:

Nice job on the pick! I was hoping to get one from nevermore or evergrey but once again I come away pickless :(
Actually I didn't catch that! That sucks, hope it wasn't busted. They looked even better in person (the guitars) I had seen photos of their custom caparisons before but damn those are nice. They must play like a dream.

How sad is it that I'm fantasizing about that right now?
Dead_Lioness said:
Really? when I was in the corner of the stage, or when I switched to the side?

Umm on the right side of the stage, next to the speaker, you came up with the Jaxx website guy right?

I was with a friend, short kid in an Arch Enemy shirt, I think you can see the back of his shirt in one of the pictures, I was probably a little behind and to the left of him
eaeolian said:
Not as much as it hurt my soul when my Jackson got knocked over during loadout...

But it wasn't the best moment of the night. ;)

I noticed you had a very nice jackson too! Hope it wasn't banged up D:
FretsAflame said:
Pfffffft who gives a shit, french is a silly language anyways.

And by silly I mean totally retarded.

Yeah, but Perrier rules....or should I call it "Freedom Water"?