Alexi's voice here is very good.
Yeah, I wanted to say that too. The guitars are totally out of tune.Voice is ok but guitar is out of tunelike Joonas said, these new songs are horribly borring live, since they chose the worst songs from the worst album to perform live...
He is lazy to bring one or tow extra guitars on tour and tune them to Drop C. And I guess it's a matter of time before he switches to some digital amp shit like Kemper or AxeFX.
Never tried either Kemper or Axe, but I know someone who owns a POD and an Axe Fx II and described the POD as "sounding like a toy" after getting the Axe.C'mon, he's not the one dragging equipment around the world or tuning his guitars. That's why bands have crews. And from what people say, if COB ever showed up with a Kemper to a show, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
C'mon, he's not the one dragging equipment around the world or tuning his guitars. That's why bands have crews. And from what people say, if COB ever showed up with a Kemper to a show, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
I don't think it's gonna save boring songwriting even if they used Pandora's box as amp.
Alexi's voice here is very good.
ETID is played in standard D, the drop C and drop B songs are all played in drop B.What's going on here, on Part I of the concert they're playing Morrigan, In Your Face, Are You Dead Yet?, Halo of Blood, Every Time I Die all with the same guitar. Anyone can tell what the tuning they have?