Live Videos Thread

The dive bombs at 3:41 sound cool especially the one on the low string. And the blast beat parts are good but the chorus is hideous. But yeah, IWC and I Hurt sort of serve the same purpose on a set, they shouldn't play both; instead one or the other. And yes, Horns, Suicide Bomber, My Bodom, Widdershins are far greater songs.
5:04 -> this has to be made opener to their live set, I fucking demand it. Especially to venues where there's lots of fans unfamiliar with them.

Why? It's not the way you want to start a concert. It's gotta start with a bang. Always will.
Downfall into the abyss of guitar tone that sucks balls.
Watching that video I notice that Alexi moves actually quite a bit while on stage. Daniel was very much in the same spot through out the thing. Might be that he's nervous (Well probably he is) and he'll start moving more with time. Overall I'd like for him to be a bit more active on stage. Come to the front like he did around halfway through, look at the audience, jump here and there every now and then like Alexi does...
I was disappointed he did not move at all, just looked bitter and bloated. Maybe it's hard when the songs aren't in muscle memory yet. Well, I guess looking depressed is part of metal, I guess it's good that Alexi isn't the only depressed dude anymore (besides Janne looking bored on stage lol). Daniel needs to get some broccoli and chia seeds and water going to lose that beer belly.
I edited my original post, is it fixed now?
sorry, it's just from a fb friend's private account, I don't know how else to share it. :brick:
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I guess the link really does not last long until it expires. I have no idea why it's happening, but hopefully someone will upload more on youtube!
Here's another one, with no lights for some reason

The full V shape looks too big for Alexi, he should stick to the Rhoads-rip-off shape.