Live vs. Reamped, 8Pre vs. Saffire Pro (comp test clip)


Jan 10, 2005
Here is the mp3 file. Everything is the same, EC-1000 w/ EMG-81 -> DI -> Bugera 333 crunch channel -> Mesa oversized 4x12 V30 -> SM57 -> 8Pre/Saffire for all of the takes, the only differences are live vs. reamp and the SM57 plugged into the 8Pre or Saffire. Radial ProRMP is what I used to reamp with. Reamped out of the Saffire for all reamp takes.

wow, weird, I figured there would be little to no difference between reamped performances and if there were the original would have more balls / feel, and actually the reamped takes sound ballsier. atleast thats what Im hearing, thanks for sharing dude.
Yes, I'm starting to notice more a difference lately than I ever have, guess I never paid much attention to it. However, I would have to post an example, but so far the live vs. reamped takes make virtually no difference in a mix.

And your impression of 8Pre vs. Saffire?

The Saffire wins hands down for me, it seems crisp and and clear, The motu sounds Ok but kind of boxy and darker the a bad way. very interesting
Huh. The reamped tracks do sound crisper and clearer. I'm quite surprised by that.

...and I prefer the sound of the Focusrite myself. It sounds... for lack of a better word, "bigger" than the 8pre to me, at least on the crappy computer speakers I'm listening on. And it reaffirms my having purchased a Saffire Pro when I got my MacBook Pro a couple months ago. :kickass:
The sapphire sounds better to me, also the reamps sound better than the actual performances. could the reason behind the improvement in sound be that you're driving the input of the amp at a slightly different level when you reamp it?
The more and more I listen to it, the more I am noticing little things. I haven't figured out if it's just the ProRMP that is acting like an exciter of sorts or what the deal is. The level going in should be the same, I've tested it (guitar straight in vs. reamp - volume) and it sounds to be even. What I like about this test is that it's dry guitars by themselves, so they can really be scrutinized. As said, the differences are pretty much null within in a mix, but it's cool to hear what the differences are.

Hey Mike, much as your voice soothes me, could you re-upload these as separate mp3's that start immediately and don't have any narration? It'd be easier to compare that way ;)
Marcus: Funnily enough I was thinking about that earlier. When I was telling Wolfeman about this test since he requested a cheaper unit and Radial, then I had to check out the clip again and totally forgot that I was talking on it. Then I thought about the fact that it's not sliced up so some people may find it a pain to compare. I don't think I have this on my drive but I will check for you. But only for you ;)


Catharsis: Thanks man. Listening back I think it's OK as well, could be better indeed though. I still have it sitting here, once I tried the HIGH setting on the dampening it's brought new life to the amp and I dig it more than ever now.
