lol christin black metal

I don't bother with anything Christian, and I don't care for any form of religion....but really, its not much different from all the 'satanic' black metal out there - though I listen to that. And how can you 'kinda' be Christian?
no i would not be ashamed....i havent made up my mind......and there are no christin black metal bands if they are then its a rip off stly
newBLACKways said:
no i would not be ashamed....i havent made up my mind......and there are no christin black metal bands if they are then its a rip off stly

Yeah but so are the other millions of black metal bands that rip off Darkthrone's style.
For anyone actually interested in this, here's a quick critique of the one's I'm familiar with:

Slechtvalk - I'm not familiar with their old album. Their second, 'The War that Plagues the Lands' had loads of piano, some female operatic vocals and went for an 'epic' atmosphere. It had some excellent songs but was pretty inconsistent. Their newest is more reminiscent of Naglfar/Odium (think lots of trem and melody) but not as good as either.

Dark Endless - Only released one EP, 'Dark End Times'. It's decent.
mp3 sample: Endless - Track 01.mp3 (sample)

Frosthardr - meh.

Arvinger - Listen for yourself: (full song)
Metal-archives says unblack/folk/viking. It's good stuff.

Stronghold - I've heard good things about their EP which is black/doomish (think Unearthly Trance).

Vaakevandring - Don't bother.

Horde - 'Hellig Usvart', their only album, is considered a classic as far as Christian metal goes. (sample)

Lengsel - Progressive black. Someone around here rants about them. 'Solace' has a couple fucking awesome songs. (sample)

Antestor - Their old stuff was doomish, their new stuff has Hellhammer. So if you like triggers and speed you might enjoy it. (sample)

Crimson Moonlight - Melodic with death influences. Fast and brutal. - Track 1.mp3 (sample from newest album) (sample from older album)

Sanctifica - meh.

Parakletos - Similar to Slechtvalk but not nearly as drawn out. Very melodic. Uses drum machine. meh.

Holy Blood - Amazing. Folk metal. Best on this list. (full song) (full song)

SorrowStorm - Fast, raw, inhaling vocals. Meh.

Frost Like Ashes - Meh.

Exousia - Speedish. Meh.

Drottnar - Meh.

Mordecai - Meh.

Demoniciduth - Avoid.

Underoath - Their older works were rawer than their new pop emo releases but had horrible songwriting and are somehow selling for huge amounts of money on ebay. Avoid.