lol christin black metal

DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
I could be wrong, but that sounds exactly like the evangelist form of Christianity I was bitching about. A non-denominational intellectual void which concerns itself only with making money and furthering its quasi-political agenda. It seems to me that "churches" with rock music, lighting effects, and a preacher/stand up comic use all those slick, trendy gimmicks to bring in the spiritually confused. Once the worshipers are inside, they are told what to think and what to hate - which is individualism and creative thought. Maybe your congregation isn't like that Deron, but it sounds an awful lot like the kind of service Pat Robertson and those of his ilk run.

I was leaning towards the same thing... There are plenty of misguided "big money religion" churches that would perfectly fit the description he was laying out...

Not that it is, but the description certainly didn't disuade me from thinking that.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
I could be wrong, but that sounds exactly like the evangelist form of Christianity I was bitching about. A non-denominational intellectual void which concerns itself only with making money and furthering its quasi-political agenda. It seems to me that "churches" with rock music, lighting effects, and a preacher/stand up comic use all those slick, trendy gimmicks to bring in the spiritually confused. Once the worshipers are inside, they are told what to think and what to hate - which is individualism and creative thought. Maybe your congregation isn't like that Deron, but it sounds an awful lot like the kind of service Pat Robertson and those of his ilk run.

Nope, I'm totally not for the kind of smoke and mirror churches you speak of. Granted, being a Christian has certain beliefs and principles, but I'm not talking brainwashing or any kind of whacked out verbal voodoo here :) - and damn it I wish we had a budget for cool lights! Haha. It's just plain and simple accepting. No hidden agenda, no bait and switch, etc. It's pretty easy to see the places that conduct their services like this. I'm quite simply happy to have a church that does not.
Fractal_Mortality said:

(if what you're implying is that labelling any genre solely based on religion or faith is foolish)

But doesn't "Black Metal" define it's anti-religion based direction, among other things? It surely isn't describing metal sung by African Americans? (serious question)
True, but Black Metal also DOES have certain musical aspects as well... It definitely has it's own asthetic.

When you say "Christian Metal," that's not really a genre... It's describing any band in the realm of metal (doom, death, black, etc.) that has members that exude the persona of "Christian."
this funeral mist album i'm listening to seems to have a lot of gregorian chant samples; perhaps he is yelling about a return to catholic dogma as opposed to protestantism ????>
That was some good reading and I will just say that I can agree with several posts. I am not religious but there are some valid points too each side. That were I stand.
Wow.. I agree, good read. Kenneth R. & Deron - thanks for speaking up and sharing your point of view in a respectable and mature manner! I happen to share the same ideas, and it's nice to know that other believers are sick of current "Church-ianity" too.

As for the music part of this topic, I'm EXTREMELY surprised that Extol hasn't been mentioned yet! (did I miss it?!) Each album has it's own unique flavor, mixing in a new style with familiar black metal elements. "BURIAL" is a masterwork, in my opinion, and combines in death metal elements. Nothing extremely diffierent than what a lot of other bands have done, but I find their brand of quality and musicianship lend it much more credibility than other projects with a similar slant. "MESMERIZED" combines elements of black metal with ambient and elecrro-industrial influences. Interesting, to say the least! "UNDECIEVED" is considered a classic in my book! Their concoction of black metal meets prog metal is, in my opinion, flawless. I'm not familiar enough with other albums to give a good enough analysis, but I will say that they have one of the best live shows I've ever seen, even to date!
I've read the name Holy Blood in this thread a few times, and oddly enough, I've never heard of them! Do you have any links??

Crimson Moonlight, yes.. they sure do have their spot in my collection. As does Virgin Black, Schaliach, Vaakevandring, and definately Horde.