lol christin black metal

Yeah.. the only Christian black metal I'd bother with is Crimson Moonlight, and being a Christian, I've exhausted this area pretty thorgoughly.. Their newest, "Veil of Remembrance" I'd even hesitate to call black metal, as its heavily death metal influenced.

(and of course, many will make the case that anything with Christian themes in the lyrics can't be bm to begin with... I don't really care either way).
VampyrRose said:
Yeah but so are the other millions of black metal bands that rip off Darkthrone's style.

what a bout the other millions (including darkthrone) bands ripping off Celtic Frost?
newBLACKways said: black metal

lol a list som1 one made of "chirstin black metal" me kinda being a christin i though it was funny

Why did you think it was funny?

Before you answer, consider the next few steps:

1) Think about your answer before you type.

2) Put the words in an order. Remember: punctuation is not your enemy.

3) Spell words in a correct manner; you may wish to use an American English or British English dictionary to help you.

4) Try to avoid using the net word "lol" unless you actually DO laugh out loud. If you laugh out loud at nothing, you may come across like a kid from a "special" school.

5) Please, for the love of Pete, tell us what being "kinda" Christian is ?

1. Holy Blood rocks
2. Try to avoid using the net word "lol" unless you actually DO laugh out loud. If you laugh out loud at nothing, you may come across like a kid from a "special" school.:lol:
3. You can't be "kinda" Christian. either you're dedicated or you aren't. otherwise you're just another mainstream bs-er, you have to commit for it to matter. people screw up from time to time but if you keep trying to get back up, that's what matters.
Kenneth R. said:
3. You can't be "kinda" Christian. either you're dedicated or you aren't. otherwise you're just another mainstream bs-er, you have to commit for it to matter. people screw up from time to time but if you keep trying to get back up, that's what matters.

George W. Bush is a dedicated Christian.
Lyle said:
invert the inverted cross \m/


Something like this is so ridiculous & stupid in the context of metal I do not even know why christians bother. They're taking everything serious and to heart where everyone else is like we don't give a fuck. A bunch of christians come into the genre not realizing it's image,fuck off we have our own beliefs/opinions attitudes,we don't care about your morals or values. Why do christians have to make them selves look so stupid with things like this. ?

Talking about satan is just another form of daker imagery because that's what metal is. It's about thinks that make people uncomfortable for who knows why whether it be satan or not. It's about darkness over light. Metal is an alternative to everything forced on you that bores you.

Christians are failing to realize metal is for people who take interesting in things they find interesting or more appealing that say someone that is so called 'normal' does not. That's why bands talk about satan,death,zombies,apocalypse,etc..

it's imagery.

Is something wrong with me or anyone because we're more interested in horror movies and death ?. We still watch comedy in what not and regular things also. Christians and norms are making us seem to be strange when really it's just interest & entertainment and they do not get the entire picture. You know christians are like OMG someone is watching weird movies that person needs help. We don't think OMG someone is watching something that is so called normal they must be boring people assuming they just watch specific things because they're sick or infatuated. This is what seperates us.

Christians are wasting time judging other interests making things out to be wrong &repenting failing to realize we need to entertain ourselves that best off our abilities because one day we will be rotting in the ground. What are you expecting or waiting for ?.

Why cant christians take interest in all realities whether it be someone strangling someone or laughing because someone said 'fuck you' . Why ?
The Greys said:

Something like this is so ridiculous & stupid in the context of metal I do not even know why christians bother. They're taking everything serious and to heart where everyone else is like we don't give a fuck. A bunch of christians come into the genre not realizing it's image,fuck off we have our own beliefs/opinions attitudes,we don't care about your morals or values. Why do christians have to make them selves look so stupid with things like this. ?

Talking about satan is just another form of daker imagery because that's what metal is. It's about thinks that make people uncomfortable for who knows why whether it be satan or not. It's about darkness over light.

Christians are failing to realize metal is for people who take interesting in things they find interesting or more appealing that say someone that is so called 'normal' does not. That's why bands talk about satan,death,zombies,apocalypse,etc..

it's imagery.

Is something wrong with me or anyone because we're more interested in horror movies and death ?. We still watch comedy in what not and regular things also. Christians and norms are making us seem to be strange when really it's just interest & entertainment and they do not get the entire picture. You know christians are like OMG someone is watching weird movies that person needs help. We don't think OMG someone is watching something that is so called normal they must be boring people assuming they just watch specific things because they're sick or infatuated. This is what seperates us.

Your definitions of what is and isn't normal are very broad and generalizing.

By your definition, all I need to do is ascribe certain types of imagery to my lifestyle to seperate myself from the rest of the human race.

Defining people by genre and by categories like "normal" and "abnormal" can be very fickle, and I believe, often should be focused more towards the mental attitudes and abilities of each individual, rather than their tastes, like, and dislikes.
What's normal or not has been decided. If my definitions are not broad it's not my fault because I know what others look at as normal or weird in the world from being around people,seeing,hearing,witnessing.

How the fuck can you say you're normal and others are not. Did god tell you.. if so maybe you're the one who is crazy & abnormal.

I'm so sick of religious groups finding non followers abnormal or the problem when really your religous groups are insane and shake the universe every second of everyday. I'm not the problem, your religious groups are. Regardless if someone does not fit their religious stereotypes it does not matter because there will be enough insane people in religion to cause a problem.

How long is it going to take people to notice that someone having a problem with a cartoon is really insane. How low & ridiculous is the race going to get before people realize something about christianity is just not right.
The Greys said:
What's normal or not has been decided. If my definitions are not broad it's not my fault because I know what others look at as normal or weird in the world from being around people,seeing,hearing,witnessing.

How the fuck can you say you're normal and others are not. Did god tell you.. if so maybe you're the one who is crazy & abnormal.

I'm so sick of religious groups finding non followers abnormal or the problem. when really your religous groups are insane and shake the universe. I'm not the problem, your religious groups are.

You need to read my post here, quit judging people by media headlines and bad apples in the bunch. Your logic towards Christians is no better than the "Christian" people you deem to hate:
The Greys said:
What's normal or not has been decided. If my definitions are not broad it's not my fault because I know what others look at as normal or weird in the world from being around people,seeing,hearing,witnessing.

How the fuck can you say you're normal and others are not. Did god tell you.. if so maybe you're the one who is crazy & abnormal.

I'm so sick of religious groups finding non followers abnormal or the problem when really your religous groups are insane and shake the universe every second of everyday. I'm not the problem, your religious groups are. Regardless if someone does not fit their religious stereotypes it does not matter because there will be enough insane people in religion to cause a problem.

How long is it going to take people to notice that someone having a problem with a cartoon is really insane. How low & ridiculous is the race going to get before people realize something about christianity is just not right.

woah... you're taking everything out of context here.

When I criticized your views of abnormality, did I even mention religion?

And don't you think it's a tad bit.. Pretentious to think that your idea of what is and isn't normal is better than some sort of standard?

I have no problem with people that hold vendettas against religion, and I perfectly understand it... But yours seems to cloud you from engaging in rational discussion.

Also, simply because I am a Christian, in the sense that I abide by the principles of Jesus Christ in the New Testament and ascribe to the beliefs set forth by the bible... That doesn't inherently make me some proponent for religion. One can take part in a belief and a dedicated lifestyle without becoming a dogmatic tool of corporate religion. It's important to make this distinction.
well said Deron.

personally, I'll go on record and say I got nothing against unbelievers, it's their own choice and I would be undermining my whole belief by trying to push my own views on them. faith (in anything) is something one has to discover for themselves.
MetalAges said:
You need to read my post here, quit judging people by media headlines and bad apples in the bunch. Your logic towards Christians is no better than the "Christian" people you deem to hate:

It does not matter is there is good or bad apples in any religious groups because everyone has to suffer because the religious group it self forever.

You could be a christian into metal that does not limit what you watch or listen to. Regardless there is 10 thousans people that claim your same religion causing everyone on earth to suffer on a daily basis. Regardless if you really knew what it was like to be a proper christian it's not going to matter for the rest of the world because your religion has bad seeds out to stire something up.

If a towel head gets on a plane you have to assume they want to hi-jack the plane for the safety of everyone because the religous banner they carry.

2 hundred passangers > 1 good person in a religion. Why assume that person wants to mind their business and risk everyone.

This is how I look at religion being a non believer.
Also, addressing the Greys.

I fully realize the hampering effects religion has had on the world over centuries, and I understand your griefs... But, here's a question for you.

Do you think humanity has the capacity to maintain a peaceful, or even semi-peaceful existence free of prejudice, insanity, and terror... With or WITHOUT religion? Or is it possible that we humans simply use religion as an outlet to let our nature burst forward?

We have made wars out of everything... Land, money, leadership, practices, ethnicities. There is no limit to the insanity of the human race.
I think humanity has the capacity to maintain a peaceful, or even semi-peaceful existence free of prejudice, insanity, and terror... to a 80% degree without religion.

Why... because religion causing everyone to be different. Once everyone is different it's easy for people to feel better or act upon greed,control,etc.. when they believe someone is different or they're enemy. If someone is a different religion you're more willing to fuck with that person than someone you believe is the same as you. Religion is basically like mirrors.

We need leadership,etc.. but not in the name of a god. Would you be more willing to steel someones land if they had a god and religion different from yours ?

If that person had no religion just based on people they would just be your neighboors because they're the same as you. You know you would not want someone trying to take your land. If there was still people that would regardless you can fight them off with your neighboors rather than your self.

Religion with democracy is still crazy. Imagine without it.

Imagine right now if a religious group could take over your property or whatever in the name of god,control,power,etc.. religion is about control & power so this would be normal. Imagine of majority of the people around you also had no religion.. they would help you because this group would look crazy.
So people can't make themselves different without religion?

The nazis certainly didn't care if you were a Christian jew. You were thrown in camps with the rest.

We are differentiated from each other at birth, in the makings of our genetic code.