Long haired peoples...

Yeah, a couple of months ago it was curling up about an inch or so... now it's just curling horizontally a bit. Another couple of months should do the trick, if not the whole lot's coming off.
My hair is about to the middle of my back, and I have never put it in a tail. I am very skeptical to, everyone knows me for my long hair thats always down, it would be weird to all of a sudden start putting it back. I do sometimes at home I guess, like when I am playing guitar it always falls down and gets in the way. I'm lucky that its pretty straight, with a little curl at the ends.
It's shoulder length (it USED to go to the bottom of my ribs, but i had to cut it for school :mad: ), and it's wavy as hell, so it goes crazy if i leave it out...

But when it's in the middle of my back again, it will be sweet, and i'll leave it out. I used to LOVE my long hair... *sigh*