Looking for some actually good metal.

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Metal Enthusiast
Jul 30, 2005
Ive been listiening to metal for awhile now and my cd collection is very low...this is because im having a hard time finding a band i care for at all...it mostly is just boring guitar riffs that just drill into your mind, not to mention the heart stopping (in the bad way lol) vocals. To help you with your recommendations i like bands such as..
Lamb of God
Stone Sour
Avenged Sevenfold
Cradle of Filth
Children of Bodom
The Bled
Thanks for the help.
Every band you like except one (being Slayer, -1994) is shit. If you're looking for shit recommendations (and not "actually good metal" like you wrote,) this is the wrong board, because people in general have pretty decent tastes around here. Better luck next time!
Alright, ive been readin some of the stuff your sayin about your alls "good metal" and ive found alot of you like opeth...OPETH?! GOOD METAL?! youve gotta be shittin me man opeth sucks. theyre just drugny gothic shit. We dont all have to hate life like you little sons a bitches.
^Hey! Fucking nublet! Opeth isn't gothic metal! If you would actually listen to their music. Actually if you even listened to real metal. You wouldn't be talking out of your ass here.
Get the hell out of this forum with your bullshit slipknot and avengedseven fold. If you haven't noticed the website is called www.ultimatemetal.com

what you're looking for is www.mtv.com
Rockout926, make a list of bands that you listened to that are METAL that you don't like. Maybe then someone can help you, but based on the bands that you do like, several of which are not Metal, you have super shit taste in music. And I rarely have to add super to my criticisms.
Opeth is fucking awesome, drugny goth shit. You listen to stonesour and avenged sevenvold, those are two extremely pussy bands.
either a troll or just a really stupid cunt, either way there's no point trying to help him
Int said:
either a troll or just a really stupid cunt, either way there's no point trying to help him

This board is so accepting sometimes it gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling on the inside.
That's like saying if your favorite bands are Black Sabbath, Judas Priest and Iron Maiden you're generic, when in truth they're just among the best bands of all time.
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