Looking for some recommendations on dark, sombre, emotional music


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
It's difficult, I know, just because this is one area that is so entirely subjective. Thing is, I feel like I'm drawing a blank and I might even already have some stuff and just need reminding, but I'm in the mood nevertheless...

I'm looking for stuff like:

Empyrium - Songs of Moors
My Dying Bride - Turn Loose the Swans
Anathema - Serenades

You know, that sort of vibe. Perhaps some Estatic Fear too...

Here's a couple of caveats:

- less bias on acoustic-only (so nothing too much like Of the Wand and the Moon)
- no gothic female vocals please, so don't mention The Gathering etc

Plenty of people here who know this subject better than me for sure.

Silver Mt. Zion - all, but the first one (He Has Left Us But Shafts of Silver Drilldos Still Permeate Our Flesh) in particular. Pretty much just strings and synths, one of the most sombre albums I've come across. You should really check that one out, given your love of Empyrium.
JayKeeley said:
"Silver Dildos"....heh. Cool thanks. By the way, I was listening to the Future Sound of London yesterday. [irrelevant]

Although they have some dark stuff, I guess. Not entirely irrelevent. I guess. I dunno.
JayKeeley said:
YES! I bought this already. Love the packaging too. We listen to this during dinner. The first song makes Heather cry.

#5 to #8 is best enjoyed alone with headphones. Oh wait, you had guessed it already :cool:
Yes, I've got Tiamat's Wildhoney. I like it. It's in my bathroom CD rack. Is it as good as MDB, Anathema etc? No, but it's a good runner up.

By the way, are there any songs in particular on Wildhoney that really stand out for anyone? Maybe I can go back and pay closer attention...
Pavor Nocturnus

^^off of Pantheist's pains of sleep EP

Try Il Sangue (something off their demo, similar to anathema)

Mournful congregation - monad of creation

some Nightly Gale (illusion of evil or ...and jesus wept)

Even though you said no female vocals: Skumring - De Glemte Tider (it's very good)
My Dying Bride blows. Well, not really "blows", just kinda sucks hard. THat vocalist is awful.

You mention "no gothic female vocals". I'm not sure what makes female vocals "gothic", but I really do beleive you would love Dargaard - In Nomine Aeternitatis. Dark, very sombre with spoken male parts and more lke angleic female vocals. Excellent for late night listening.

Die Verbannten Kinder Evas - In Darkness Let me Dwell....project from Protector of Summoning
Uaral - Sounds of Pain and the title track in particular is what first popped into my mind -- you have that cd right? When in the right mood I tend to place that song on the top 10 songs evar list.

Or how about some Orplid? Are you familiar with them? Have a sample anyhow, since they rule: http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=download&ufid=FC73EE2306B72A96
I discovered them quite recently and imediately fell in love with them; their music is dark, beautiful, romantic, melancholic and really sombre at times -- it should be right up your alley ;)
ah, nah Dargaard doesnt fit in with them. this one of more classical sounding if that makes sense. sort of like Enya in a way, except darker