Loomis,Rectumfriers and Duncan distortions...(HEEEEEELP)

Iced Dragon

Stealer of Dreams
Oct 16, 2001
I have a mesa/boogie dual rectifier 'tremoverb' and a dinky equiped with a seymour duncan distortion humbucker.


does anybody know which configurations I should use to get a sound like on the POE album?? (mr.Loomis,mr.Sneap,mr Keirnon???anybody?!!)

when did Jeff started using live wire pups?
It depends dude.

Surprisingly enough, i get an awesome sound out of a Roland 408 twin-stack by using a Boss DS-1 (yeah, the standard orange pedal that every joe-schmoe has).

Simply kill 80% of your mids, boost the bass, boost the highs a little, and whallah.

If you really really want a killer sound, and you've got the bucks for it:

Mesa-Boogie head on a marshall cabinet (don't ever use a marshall head...).
a bbe sonic maximizer will tighten the sound up aswell, but pretty much trapped nailed it on the head, scoop the mids.and emg pick-ups ( 81s ) will give more distortion and tighten the sound that much more.use heavy strings, at least 10-52, its hareder to bend at first but youll get used to it.if your recording your sound dont use effects. it will muddy the sound, and if you screw up, its almost impossible too match a sound that has effects on, such as chorus, delay or phaser. the sounds will overlay and sound out of tune.put effects on after done recording.
Yeah, i'm using 10-46 on my guitar at the moment. It honestly doesn't matter what box you have dude, it's just a bunch of speakers. Sure, some speakers may distort less than others, but you've just got to look around, they don't have to be expensive, just use your ears.

It's the head that's important.

Surprisingly, i don't even have a specialized head for my roland setup, (mind you, my guitar runs into a Behringer Eurorack mixer first so i can kill the mids, boost 80/120 hz and give it a little more clarity with the highs... (gotaa be careful with the bass so i don't overdrive the amp...

and it's an awesome sound (most of you probably know how terrible mixer preamps are) because i can eq it to fuck.

Strings do actually help to, the newer they are, the more clarity you have (sometimes a bit too much actually), and the older the string, the more muffled and bassy it is.
it's the modern high gain channel

my bass is on 4/5 or so
mid is 2>
treble 5/6

gain is on 10

presence 5/6

there's like not enough crunch.
and for lead it's so 'empty'sounding (that's mainly my problem.I heard if you turn up the gain, you have to add some mids too but then again it sucks for rhythm.I only have 2 channels and I need a clean one too)
I want a liquid/full tone.

the cab is mesaboogie 2x12"

maybe it's not loud enough...

can't really turn it up to 10 of course,I practice in my room..
thanks for any help

I'm considering buying a pod and slave it to the rectumfrier's poweramp.I know Jeff uses a POD pro.
I set my my Peavey as follows,

Low - 8
Mid - 1
High - 8

It gives a great sound with both my guitars (both Jackson's, one has a Duncan JB in it). Its very Nevermore-ish, and the harmonics scream.

PODs are awsome sounding for direct recording, but when it comes to running it out to an amp, a keyboard amp to me seems to sound better then running it out to a guitar amp. Also, steer clear of the Spider amps, they suck ass.
also mesa boogies come with 6L6 tubes, they are the same tubes used in fender amps. they have a lot of power, but its clean power. if you switch your tubes to EL34 tubes youll get a hotter gained out sound. i think there is a switch on the back of your boogie that probably has an EL34 setting on it. if you buy new tubes, make sure theyre matched so they all burn the same. you can get your amp biased ( think thats how you spell it ) at your music store by their tech, but i think boogies have a knob so you can do it your self. ( i feel just pay some one to do it because if they fuck up they fix it for free, if you fuck it you pay ). everyone i know switch their boogie tubes to EL34s. and their sound improved 10 fold. usually the sound you get after switching to EL34s is that super gained out
ENTOMBED WOLVERINE BLUES TONE. hopw much more distorton could you possibly need, unless your into EYEHATEGOD
I could have sworn i just replied...?????? Maybe i replied to the wrong thread.. ha ha. :lol:

Basically, kill all of your mids, boost your low and hi freq.s

If it's too sharp, roll off your highs, if it's too boomy, roll of the bass a little.